HTML Basic
HTML Basic



I learned quite a bit from the HTML to visual assignment... I have never used HTML code prior to taking this Webmaking 101 P2PU course.  I think that those who have used HTML prior to this challenge listing are at a total advantage compared to those of us who were brave enough to step into new territory (like me!!!) but, that said, I can assure you I took more than one hour to complete this task.  I do not like submitting posts that aren't complete, thorough, and representative of my personal reflections on each task.  Hopefully at least three of my colleagues on this challenge will feel the same!

-- erica 

Link to work submitted


  • Received 3 reviews of the 3 reviews needed.
  • The posted reviews give this work submission a total average score of 4.00 (needs to be at least 3 for the badge to be awarded).
