How well did the participant remix a page using Hackasaurus?
Loved your work. Liked that it is so simple, I mean in a good way simple, clean. Anyway, out of other peers works this one catched my attention a bit more.
HTML Decoder
I learnt about the Hackasaurus tool which is similar to firebug, only it allows you to publish changes to the web. Then one downside when comparing Hackasaurus to Firebug is that it only lets you edit the HTML it would be nice if it let you edit the CSS as well.
Assessment from Vita on March 8, 2012, 3:31 a.m.
Loved your work. Liked that it is so simple, I mean in a good way simple, clean. Anyway, out of other peers works this one catched my attention a bit more.
Assessment from Laura Hilliger on March 9, 2012, 2:02 p.m.
Nice remix! Also, you can access the CSS by holding down Shift-C - Guess we'll have to edit the challenge and let people know about that!