posted message: Just a reminder that we'll be meeting tonight, for those of you who're able, with our guests Meredith Stewart and Zac Chase to talk about how they're making writing a habit in their classrooms. See you at 7:30pm Mountain - check the Syllabus for a link to the meeting room. If you can't make it, the recording will be posted later tonight.
posted message: Good Sunday everyone. Hope all is well with y'all. I hope that you've enjoyed, or at least found useful, reading through the standards and beginning to comment on them. I'm finding the comments and conversation quite useful. Feel free to continue to do so, but I thought I'd point you towards this week's activities - here's our Week 2 Overview -
posted message: Good afternoon. Looking forward to our first Webinar tonight, 7:30pm Mountain time, here: If you can't make it a recording will be available after the session on the course Syllabus. See you there. If you wish to speak during the Webinar, please make sure you've a microphone and some headphones to minimize feedback. See you there.
posted message: Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Week 1 of our course. If you've not yet done so, take a look at this week's Overview and get started on the tasks for the week. I'll see any of you that're able on Tuesday night at 7:30pm Mountain for our first Webinar. And I'll see all of you in the comments threads and activities. Good writing.