Hi All,
I'm a Front End Developer. I have 5 years professional experience. My specialties are HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, curretnly studying Java & Python. Haven't really come across anything I can't solve from a front end standpoint, so I hope to be a strong contributor in that way.
I don't have Open Source experience (other than a GitHub fork of Nivo-Slider where I added a feature) which is why I jumped on board here at P2PU. Looking forward to contributing, collaborating, and meeting good people.
Open Source weaknesses:
In my limited experience, I'd have to say keeping up with the dozens of simultaneous conversations being held on the email list. It sometimes takes the spare hour I have at the end of the night just to figure out what still needs fixing.
Open Source strengths:
It's a great way to meet talented like-minded people.
Looking forward to it! :)