v4lent1na said:
Work submitted.
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
Your Task.
Community Review.
Once you have all the information ready, it's probably a good time to ask the opinion of the community.
Send an email with all the badge information to the community mailing list (p2pu-community@googlegroups.com)
The subject of the email should be "New badge: <badge name>", where <badge name> is replaced by the badge name that you chose.
The email should contain the following information:
Implementation Magic
Once you got feedback from the community and your badge is ready, you should send an email to dirk@p2pu.org to get the badge created and associated with your Challenge.
Et voila! Peer assessment in action. Congratulations and we can't wait to get your badge added to the gallery.
My badge information:
Url of the challenge associated with this badge
Badge Name:
Higher Education Institution (HEI)
Badge's Short Description (255 character max):
Project goal is to develop an online tool, intended for the use of any Higher Education Institution(HEI), which will simplify and facilitate the development and dispatch of ECTS Learning Agreements in an online environment.
Badge's Requirements:
The person, who wants our Badge needs to have knowledge about studying abroad and how to make the learning agreement (LA).
Badge Logic (type of badge):
Skills Badge
Rubrics (if applicable to type of badge):
The number of peer, who need to review the Badge is 1. Rubric would be a question: "How well did the user shared knowledge about studying abroad?"
I really like your name idea and the design of your badge. Keep on going!
Yes definitely! Would love for someone, especially in your field, to try the badge.
Some days ago I wrote in the community list (although recently I have not been able to write more there):
Today I sent the following information for the challenge to the email of Dirk:
(See translation to english at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/p2pu-community/5JL6w0sdTWI )
Since already one person completed all the tasks of the challenge, I would like to give him the badge as soon as possible.
Here is my first draft of this -- I'm going to sleep on it though and get some feedback from others too. Thanks for your thoughts.
Contributor Badge – a community badge for contributing in some way (resource or no resource) to Digital Is; requires no submission
Creator Badge – a skill badge for creating a resource and making it public in the Digital Is community; requires submission
My colleague Paul had the idea that "contributor" (which is too close in meaning to "creator") could be "digitizer"!
This is not a badge for a challenge (at the moment) but rather a badge to show (online) community support through my eLearning blog - www.dontwasteyourtime.co.uk.
So ... here's the (first) badge:
Details of the badge (if I understand this but correctly):
The badge for my challenge is up now, thanks for feedback from everyone and thanks for a helpful badge making tutorial. Curator Badge
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
Understand the purpose of "Your Stuff."
Add files into "Your Stuff."
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }Hi Kimberly
Your rubric looks really good and thorough, and I'm looking forward to seeing the badge. Sadly, It doesn't seem to show up in the post - are you sure you're uploading the right info? If you're having any trouble, let us know, and maybe we can help you out.
#next_pages_container { width: 5px; hight: 5px; position: absolute; top: -100px; left: -100px; z-index: 2147483647 !important; }
Thanks Rebecca. I uploaded the badge again and it appears to be visible now. Is it a problem to issue a badge that is based on My Big Campus' modules? Do I need permission from them to issue a badge in their name? Thank you for your advice. I am working with My Big Campus and a school district. I will be coaching teachers and students to use My Big Campus with their new iPads.
Here is my revised badge and a link to a google doc version of the post I made to P2PU Community Group board
This is a brilliant badge! I really like the scissors, and the colours you've chosen.
Url of the challenge associated with this badge
Badge Name:
FAIS Twitter PLN Training
Badge's Short Description:
This badge is award to FAIS teachers who successfully complete the Twitter PLN Challenge. Teachers will learn to use Twitter to create and manage a professional learning network.
Badge's Requirements:
Image is attached
Badge Logic (type of badge):
Don't understand what this is asking
Rubrics (if applicable to type of badge):
Don't understand what this is asking
Looks really good!
Badge logic refers to the different type of badges that we currently support. They are skill badges, community badges and course completion badges. You can read about the difference here.
In short, skill badges are for a specific skill, course completion badges are for completing a course and community badges are like a thumbs up from someone else.
Rubrics follows on Badge logic. If you chose a skill badge, you need to provide the rubrics that are needed to assess the skill. From the above information I assume that may correlate with the requirements that you specified?
Does that explain it a little better?
ps. Your badge image looks really nice, how did you create the wavy circle?
Url of the challenge associated with this badge
Badge Name: Liberty #64 Intro. Writer
Badge's Description: The Intro. Writer badge will be distributed to students who complete their first writing assignment as a new 5th grader.
Badge's Requirements: Students' letters must have all of the components (date, greeting, body, closing). In the letter students must describe their summer activities and expectations of 5th grade.
Image: See Below
Badge Logic: The logic behind the badge is to motivate 5th graders in writing and to promote the writing process.
Rubrics: Writing contains all components of a friendly letter, desciptive words and phrases are used to descibe events, writing is organized with little or no errors in C-U-P-S, and writing is neat.
Tasks: Understanding and using the writng process and sentence structure and development.
Badge Name: Scholar Badge
Badge's Short Description: The Scholar Badge is awarded to students that master the requirements of being a scholar at my school. Once the student meets the requirements (uniform, oral presentation, and school mission/vision) he will participate in a "rights of passage" ceremony in which he will obtain his first badge!
Badge's Requirements: well groomed school uniform, oral presentation of what it means to be a BDJ Scholar, and complete a short quiz on school's code of conduct.
Image: See below
Badge Logic (type of badge): Skill-based badge that reinforces public speaking, civic duty, and responsibility.
Rubrics (if applicable to type of badge): Student must demonstrate a well groomed uniform, creat and present a 1 minute oral presentation about what it means to be a scholar, and receive 80% or higher on the Code of Conduct quiz!
Task (optional): demonstrate well groomed school uniform, present oral presentation, and master code of conduct quiz.