This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Writing - Reflect and Connect

Use writing to keep track of your thinking and capture surprising connections.

Freewrite about what you are thinking about your question. Or do Loops or use the Composing Guidelines. Use Docs. Share with your teacher and peers. Later you will add transcriptions and citations from your research and revise before you post it as a Discussion.

Choose one of these three missions:

Image for a mission on Youth Voices

At the beginning of
each new project,
inquiry, or writing
assignment you should
create substantial
personal, committed,
passionate pieces of
writing. It's a good idea
to collect your freewriting,
focused sentences, and
more freewriting 
Google Docs (or a similar
platform) that you can
share with your teacher
and others. It's important
to give the time, not just
at school but at home as well.



Image for issue at Youth Voices

"The loop writing process
is a way to get the best
of both... control and
creativity. On the one
hand it lets you steer
where you are going...
But on the other hand it
expands your point of
view.... It is especially
useful if you can't think
of much to write or are
stuck with a topic that
bores you." (Peter Elbow,
The Loop Writing
," Chapter 8 in
Writing With Power.



Image for issue at Youth Voices

Sondra Perl's Composing
Guidelines sometimes
work differently for
different people--and
even differently for you
on different occasions.
The main thing to
remember is that they
are meant for you to
use on your own,
flexibly, in your own way.
There is nothing sacred
about the exact format
or wording. They are not
meant to be a straitjacket.
The specific details of the
procedure are much less
important than the
charitable, supportive,
and generative spirit
behind the whole thing.

When you have finished this first draft by freewrting, loop writing or using the Composing Guidelines, get a few peers and your teacher to respond to your writing. Share your Goggle Document with your teacher and 2 or 3 other students. You can find the link to a Google Document under the Share button, also, make your document Public.

Copy this first draft from your Google Doc and paste it into a comment here (on this P2PU task), then click Yes, I'm done 

Task Discussion

  • TeddyB said:



    on Jan. 15, 2014, 10:56 a.m.
  • kwabena sarh said:

    on May 16, 2013, 12:12 p.m.
  • ShamarS said:


     The Lies and Truth about Faith Healing?
    Free Write
    My topic question is “ The Lies and Truth about Faith Healing?” so I am interested in whatever facts I can get from the articles I have read. I don’t believe in faith healing at all, I am a Christian so I’m not just saying that without having my own Christian views. I researched this topic for a while now and I have come to a conclusion on faith healing but I won’t tell you just yet. However as I go on with this free write I will explain my reasoning behind where I stand. 
    Focus Sentence
    Going deep into the facts of faith healing.
    Free Write 
    In faith healing there are a lot of things they say that are just lies, however there are truth in its practice. I’m not going to get into the lies of faith healing just yet. I am going to focus on the truth in it, for example faith healing can heal some wounds. Any wounds that can be fixed in due time like broken bones, colds, flus, heart attacks, strokes, and seizures. Faith healing is useful for acting like a form of placebo by encouraging a person and allowing the person to react positively to faith healing without them even realizing it sometimes. Some people connect faith healing to magical healing but in the end they will get the same results especially with people who think they are too sophisticated for magical healing.
    Focus Sentence
    Learning the fiction of faith healing.
    Free Write
    Now let me tell you about the fiction of faith healing that I got through my research. Faith healing do have some truth to it but I think there are more lies behind it for example faith healers do lie or exaggerate about their success stories. Not only that but small parts of scripture contradict their practice even though they are following what the bible say. In a part of the bible it states that all have sinned but in the practice of faith healing you have to be sinless. On top of that according to their practice children will be held responsible for the sins of the parents or the community because God is punishing them, when in the bible it says that “ The Wrath of God has been satisfied through the death of his son.” Faith healers also encourage chronically ill people that they claim to have healed to stop taking any medicines that were given to them by doctors because they no longer have their illness. Also most healers aren’t held responsible for the deaths of children but the parents when it is them who are being scammed. Some parents who knows the risks of faith healing and force their child to participate anyways should be held responsible but not the ones who are desperate.   
    on March 21, 2013, 11:53 a.m.
  • josev said:

    How to build a car on a poor man's budget | A friend of mine who works across the street from me introduced me to a friend of his who just finished building his EK coupe. As we were talking, he mentioned that this was a big struggle for him...

    on Feb. 27, 2013, 11:13 a.m.
  • JPChris said:

    Christopher Cabrera                                      11/28/2012

    Insanity Workout: My Advice


            The insanity workout is no joke people; it really is an insane workout.  I mean it even has a warning that says “Insanity is an extreme and physically demanding workout. This is NOT for beginners or individuals with any medical condition which may be compromised by extreme cardio and strength exercise. Consult your physician before beginning this program”. That warning is serious, so please don’t do this workout if you know you aren’t physically capable to handle it. This workout comes with 10 discs each with about an hour long workout.  I will now guide you guys through this workout, tell you what to expect what you will be doing and tips on how to get it done easier.  Welcome to my experience with the insanity workout, this is my tips to you.

    Disc 1: Dig Deeper and Fit Test
            Disc 1 is a test you’re recommended to take each 2 weeks. If you do the insanity workout as it says you will see an improvement each time you take this test. Disc 1 is very hard and will have you out of breath and tired multiple times so don’t be afraid to click pause to rest a bit. This disc has 8 exercises and you must do each one for 1 minute without stopping. You must do switch kicks, power jacks, power knees, power jumps, globe jumps, suicide jumps, push-up jacks, and low plank oblique. After half an hour my body starts feeling it and when I start doing any of the jumps whether is the power jump, globe jump or suicide jump I get tired really fast. I’m able to complete this workout without taking my own break but then again I am an athlete so is understandable if you can’t.  When I did this disc for the second time I did notice an improvement and it was easier than the first time. Remember not to be mad or feel ashamed about your results they will improve overtime I promise you. Good luck on disc 1.

    Disc 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
            Disc 2 isn’t as hard as you may think, well for me it wasn’t. First it starts off real easy with a basic warm up. You got to jog in place, do a couple jumping jacks, Heisman, one two three- one two three, butt kicks, high knees, mummy kicks, etc. You must do them a couple times too so don’t think is just once. Each time the cycle starts you must try to do each exercise faster than before so don’t give up or get tired quickly.  During this warm up I really got to notice what he meant by keeping your “core tight”. Your core is the mid-section of your body, near your stomach so when doing any exercise try to make sure you keep your core tight. Using your core throughout this workout can really make it easier.  After you’re done with the warm up it gets really easy and calm as the trainer makes you do a couple different stretches. These stretches are pretty good as you will feel it working your muscles, is doesn’t involve a lot of moving like the warm up did. Some of the stretches are pretty basic like spreading your legs and reaching from one side to the other. But some are more complex like turning your body to the left having your left leg standing on its heels and your right left bended while having your arms both spread out forward. Sounds pretty hard but is not at all I promise you. After you’re done stretching, you get a water break to prepare yourself for the main event, the circuit training. Get ready to do exercises such as suicide drills, power swats, mountain climbers, ski jumps, etc. Yes you will get water breaks and remember you must do each exercise faster after each cycle. Good luck on Disc 2.

    Disc 3: Cardio Power and Resistance
            Disc 3 is tough so be ready to work your body out. Like in every disc it will start off with a basic warm up, try not to get tired during the warm up. Always remember after every cycle you must speed it up so go at your own pace. Know your limits and don’t overdo it, your body is different than mine and others so it has its limits don’t go beyond it. The warm up in this disc is nearly the same as the others so I won’t point out the exercises since it’s almost identical to the other warm ups. After you’re done with the warm up you will stretch. The stretching in this disc is identical to that of Disc 2except for a couple new ones. After you’re done stretching this workout gets insane in a heartbeat. You will start off with power jumps, belt kicks, hit the floor, V push-ups, etc. Same rule applies, after each cycle you must go faster. Remember during each water break to not stop moving, don’t you dare sit down. It’s not over yet; get ready to do some hurdle jumps, globe jumps, moving push-ups, floor sprints, etc. Good luck with disc 3, don’t worry if you can’t finish it on the first try. This disc was really hard for me on my first try as well.

    Disc 4: Cardio Recovery
            Disc 4 is no walk in the park but it is pretty easy. Grab your sunglasses and your mats and get ready to get tanned and relax. Okay I’m just kidding but you will need a mat for this disc. This disc is a very relaxing workout that consists mostly of stretches and simple/easy to do exercises. This disc is probably the easiest one out of all of them so if you can’t do this one I am ashamed of you. The warm up in this disc is different than the others. It’s very simple and relaxing, it involves a lot of breathing and stretching, it feels like you’re doing yoga. In this disc you do exercises such as plank work, plank pulses, downward dog, hamstring stretch, squats, squat hold and pulses, lunges, lunge hold and pulses, etc. Very simple stuff, I consider this disc a break from so much hard workouts. This disc even has a yoga stretch.  Don’t forget to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. This disc also makes you do a couple exercises where you must remain in push-up position but do not worry you do not do push-ups. Good luck with disc 4, it’s pretty easy you can do it. Good luck on disc 4.

    Disc 5: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs
            Welcome back to the Insanity workout, ha-ha. That’s the first thought that came to my mind when I started doing this disc. This disc is pretty tough so get ready to workout.  Okay let me stop trying to sound so calm… THIS DISC IS INSANE; I HOPE YOU ARE PREPARED TO WORK YOUR BUTT OFF. But remember always take a break when needed. First of all I need to point this out, this was the first disc I saw the people in the background actually stop and walk to the side. They drank water and took their time before coming back in; it just goes to show how hard this disc is. This disc has the basic warm up you did on Disc 1, 2 and 3. After the warm up is time to catch your breath and stretch. After the stretch is time to work out. You start with by doing the suicide drill than the switch kicks, wide football sprints, stance jacks, pedal, hooks and jump rope, power jacks, level 2 drills, frog jumps, power knees, mountain climbers, ski down, scissor runs, suicide jumps, and last but not least push-up jacks. Before I continue I personally was out of breath and tired by the time I reach the level 2 drills. I kept going till the end but very slow, this disc was really hard for me to finish strong. After doing the workout you finish it off with the cool down stretch and then is time to call it a day.  One tip I will say about this disc is to always remember use your core, never comprise form and never ever give up. Good luck on disc 5.

    Disc 6: Core Cardio & Balance
            This disc isn’t that hard at all but it’s nowhere near easy. This disc’s focus is about recovery since your body has gone through a lot of insane workouts.  The warm up is very diverse compare to the others. You start off with the switch heel kicks then mummy kicks, football shuffles, over the log, 8 high knees/8 power jacks, and 8 fast feet/8 hooks. After finishing the easy warm up it’s time to stretch and catch your breath. The stretch is very easy, very basic and identical to every other stretch you done so far in the other discs. Now is time for the workout which you will start off with the moving ski hops then hit the floor (not literally), level 1 drills, Heisman, 8 switch kicks/8 hop squats, high jumps, moving plank walk, 8 elbows/4 suicide drills, 4 & 4 hops, jab switch jump squats, high flexor burners, then you get a water break.  I honestly was tired by the time I reached the jab switch jump squats, I was doing the high flexor burners all slow and out of breath and when I heard him say water break I was honestly the happiest man alive. Right after the water break is time to get back to it stating off with oblique knee lifts and finishing it off with the shoulder burners in plié. Like always when finished we end it with the cool down stretch and then call it a day. Good luck on disc 6.

    Disc 7: Max Interval Circuit & Fit Test
            Get ready to work out! Disc 7 is guaranteed to make you sweat. The warm up is pretty much identical to the others except for a few new exercises added and the cycle is slightly different. After you finished you know the drill time to catch your breath and stretch. Always remember the stretch is they key part of the work out so don’t you ever skip it. Now after you’re done enjoy your water break because is about to go down. You start off with the pedal/power lunges then ski abs/jacks/in & out/oblique, power strike, and last the frog jumps. No were not done but you get a water break (yay). Back to the workout, same exercises same cycle except now you must do it faster than before now so speed it up. Do not give up and remember do not compromise the correct form for speed. In all honesty after finishing the cycle for the 2nd time I out of breath and exhausted. But I kept going, slower this time since I’m too tired to speed it up. One thing I must warn you on the third cycle there is no water break after the last exercise (frog jumps) so don’t think about stopping cause a new exercise is thrown at you; the football runs/cross jacks. After doing that then we get our hard earned water break. Now the workout continues but with a whole new line up of exercises so get ready to do this new cycle. It starts off with hook jumps then high knees with twist, high-low with squat, and last floor switch kicks. Water break time, remember do not stop moving while drinking your water make sure your walking around and not sitting down or standing still. Now get ready to repeat the cycle, I know you’re tired by now because I sure as hell am. But remember don’t give up and go at your own pace, you can do this. When you have finished doing this cycle twice on the third try there is no water break after the last exercise (floor switch kicks) again the trainer throws a new exercise at you this one is the 1-2-3 jab across. Now water break time again, always remember breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and keep your body moving. This disc is not over yet, this is by far the disc that has me thinking about giving up. My legs are so sore, my lungs hurt, I’m sweating, and I’m all out of breath. I just want to drink a whole gallon of water right now and shower. But no I’m not giving up and neither are you, we can do it. Get ready for the new cycle; it starts off with the side suicide jumps then squat hooks, full body drill, and lastly the plank punches. After doing this cycle we get a water break. When we do this cycle 3 times we are finally done and get to start off the cool down stretch. This disc is by far one of the hardest, good luck!

    Disc 8: Max Interval Plyo
            First of all if you made it this far I’m proud of you, I really am. Welcome to another insane workout, hope you’re ready this disc is no joke. The warm-up is the same as that of Disc 7. You must do the cycle 3 times, when you’re finished is time to stretch. The stretch is identical to all others; you should know the drill by now. Now is time to work out, it starts off with the switch jumps then squat push-ups, wide in & out abs, and last but not least power jumps. In this disc the trainer again throws in a new exercise on the third rotation of the cycle; the one-legged V push-ups. Enjoy your water break cause is not getting easier from here on out. I’m already tired, I’m breathing very hard. Get ready for the new cycle, starts off with the pogo right & left, power push-ups, globe twists, and level 3 drills. Yes, again in the third rotation comes a new exercise right before the water break; power lunges/hop squats. Okay I’m really tired, I’m not even going to hide it from you guys but I paused the video and laid down in my bed for like 3 minutes. I’m too out of breath but hey I’m going at my own pace so remember go at your own pace too. I know, I broke my rule about not stopping or standing still during water breaks but I couldn’t take it. All that matters is that you don’t give up and finish the disc. Anyways, time for the last cycle, it starts off with side push-ups then kickstand touch the floor, 8 power knees.4 diamond jumps, and finally the balance push-ups. Believe it or not we only have to do this cycle once and then finally we do our cool down stretch and is over we finished Disc 8. Remember don’t give up, good luck!

    Disc 9: Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs
            Disc 9... If you have made it this far you deserve a round of applause. The journey has been hard hasn’t it but we made it and now were one disc away from the finish line. The only bad news is that this disc is hard but hey we completed 8 discs were ready for anything they throw at us right? Well I got bad news for you; this disc focuses on endurance meaning no water breaks once the workout starts. So breath in calmly now while you got the chance and drink all the water you need cause the only water break you’re getting is after the stretch. You know the drill, time to do the warm up cycle 3 times and then stretch. After we’re done stretching comes the workout remember once you start there is no quitting no giving up and most importantly no breaks. Are you ready?! Let’s go! It starts off with high/low jab with squat then football runs, basketball shot with squats, right and left kicks, diamond jumps, in-out push-up jacks, suicide jumps, high knee/low/floor sprints, ski abs, kick step back, squats twists, over the river hops, attack, power knee, ski down hooks, belt kicks, forward/back suicides, push-up abs, plank punches, 8 jump ropes/8 hop squats, and finally the last exercise; squat speed bag. Okay first of all I was tired by the time I started doing the ski down hooks. I was out of breath and took my own break and drank water and then got back in it. This disc really pushed me to my limit. Always remember to go at your own pace and don’t overdo it. Good luck on disc 9!

    Disc 10: Max Recovery
            Were here the last and final disc, we made it this far now it’s time to finish it. The best part about it all is that this disc is a piece of cake, one of the easiest hands down. This disc is all about recovery, so you will be doing a lot of stretching, breathing and yoga like exercises. In this disc you do a lot of lunging, hip flexing stretches, contracting a lot of main body parts (like your core, back, legs, arms, etc), stretches in plank position (a lot of plank stretching), a couple push-ups, a couple stretches on push-up position, etc. To finish this disc very easily I really recommend going at your own pace trust me, take a break when you need too, don’t overdo it. Also use your core in this disc, keep it tight and use it to your advantage. There’s hardly anything to talk about this disc since it was very easy for me and is easy in general. Hardly any exercises just stretching all the way. Finish it go all the way, and don’t give up. You can do this, good luck on disc 10!

            Congratulations, you should feel very proud finishing the insanity workout. It was very difficult and tiring but you pulled through and never gave up. I hope my tips helped you complete this workout. But hey remember how you would always have to repeat the cycles in the warm ups and in the workouts? Well is time to repeat this cycle and try to complete the insanity workout again. Come on now! Like I said… YOU CAN DO IT! Oh and remember, you must finish it faster than the first time haha. Good luck!

    on Feb. 22, 2013, 11:16 a.m.
  • josev said:

    How to build a car on a poor man's budget | A friend of mine who works across the street from me introduced me to a friend of his who just finished building his EK coupe. As we were talking, he mentioned that this was a big struggle for him...

    on Jan. 31, 2013, 12:47 p.m.
  • Deanf said:

    What if Malcolm have never went to jail?
    Sometimes I just wonder, what would have happen if malcolm had never went to to jail.  some questions pop into my head my head like. would he have found religion? Or would he have still been in the street doing what he was doing before. with no source of mental stability, or proper guidance in changing his life and making a better life, from the lifestyle he was already living.

    what he have never went to jail and/or went to school and finish college, and then began to educate other in whatever major he decided to take upon his self. suppose he went to jail and didn’t change his lifestyle? suppose he went to jail and never found religion. what if his brother never sent him a letter telling him to change his ways and change his lifestyle. Suppose he was in jail and acted in a poor manor with bad behavior. Then got more charges and and got more time to his sentence during his sentence.

    what if he never came out of jail to eventually influence people in the street to his new founded religion. What if he never went to jail and found became fond of a whole different religion and had a different belief. A different outlook on life and how he was living.

    focused sentence- Suppose Malcolm never went to jail or found religion.

    Suppose malcolm never went to jail or found religion, where would he be? what would he be doing? would he be alive now in this day in age ? or would still be deceased the same. who knows, i dont knows , no one knows the truht on what wouldev happend if he would have never been incarcerated. maybe he would be somewhere with the little bit of family he had left, or maybe not. maybe he couldev went to school and provided a better future for his sister brother and other relatives.

    maybe he wouldev never went  to jail if he father was still alive. if he had his father maybe aloy of other things would change, or maybe not. maybe he path would have always been the same. i say to myself sometimes that you cannot change destiny, your destiny will always been the same no matter which path you take but some things may be wrong about this and about the this thought takes place.

    How would things have been different for malcolm if he just stayed out of trouble?

    I think things would have been different for malcolm if he had just stayed out of trouble. things would have been different because , he would have not been in jail. he would have the chance to change his life before being imprisoned and making a better life for himself. he would have been able to spend more time with his love ones and they would have had to send him letter in jail. some things probaly would have been the same such  finding his religion and meeting certain people in his life. he met a lot of wonderful people in his life and some not so wonderful. which i feel was in his destiny to meet this people and go through these experiences.
    there is alot of question me and alot of other people would like answers to. i look forward to looking and finding out more, about those questions. hopefully finding the answers to them, and helping a lot of people in their research. For now i can only do my own research about this story and about this man. about what couldev , shouldev, and wouldev happened, if he just maybe had chosen a different path and had not got himself incarcerated. something you cannot change in life and somethings you can. simply by making the better decision. the decision of right and wrong . often times the right or wrong decisions is what changes peoples lives completely and some wish they just go back in time to do things  a little different.

    on Jan. 8, 2013, 12:29 p.m.
  • danielo said:

    Why is Education Important?

    The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are right. But then, information cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly. It is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.
    Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. It opens doors to brilliant career opportunities. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Every employer today requires his prospective employees to be well-educated. He requires expertise. So, education becomes an eligibility criterion for employment in any sector of the industry. We are rewarded for exercising the expertise required for the field we venture. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and how well we can apply them.

    Well, schools, colleges and other such educational institutes define the basic framework of education. Schooling gives us the fundamentals while we specialize in fields of our interest during degree courses. But education does not end here. It is a lifelong process. Self-learning begins at a point where institutional education ends. The process of self-learning continues.


    Can you live without formal education?

    I think you mean can you live well. Studies have shown that in general, the more education a person has, the better chance they have of being financially successful. By "formal" do you mean home schooled over public school, or collage over no collage. Ultimately that all depends on how you want to live. If you want to have a well paying job, a wife with kids and a upper middle class life style than education is a major factor in obtaining that. If you want a simple life style where you are paid a hourly rate rather than a yearly salary with little or no family to support then major education is not needed, but your over all life style quality is low. Like I said, it all depends on how you want to live your life.

    Can you be successful without an education?

    Education opens up doors to new oppertunities! If you are applying for an important job, like a doctor, or whatever, they are not just going to take you In. You have to get good marks in exams, that goes on your record, and then they will look at that. Education is one of those things in life that maybe you do not want to take part in, but you have to, for your future

    on Dec. 19, 2012, 11:15 a.m.

    Paul Allison said:


    You chose three interesting paragraphs from this blog post by Manali Oak

    This shows that you can find interesting answers to important questions on the web.

    If you would like to work more with this article, please annotate it here:

    Instead of considering this task as completed, we can give you credit for the first task under Text-Dependent Research:

    I've given you a star for this essay:

    Why do people drop out? | I chose this topic because I can relate to it. I have been close to making this decision more than twenty times. This topic also caught my attention because a lot of my friends are always complaining...

    on Dec. 19, 2012, 1:39 p.m. in reply to danielo
  • Aaron said:

    on Dec. 11, 2012, 2:10 p.m.
  • LouisManOfMusic said:

    Louis talks about an awesome job | Louis and Paul have a conversation.

    on Nov. 30, 2012, 9 a.m.
  • LouisManOfMusic said:

    Welcome to my Job | Check out this video on YouTube:

    on Nov. 30, 2012, 8:58 a.m.
  • JaeMora said:

    Why is change so scary ?

    I know a lot of people who stick to the same routine everyday. basically doing nothing with their life. I ask myself all the time why, Why not take a big step and move maybe out-of-state, get a different job, change your school ? In my opinion , I do find it scary. you don't know if the outcome on the change you're about to make is good or bad. What it may lead to, we don't know what the future has in store for us. It's sometimes good to just take the risk , we don't want to later say “What If ....”. I have this problem, and I want to know if it's just me or are there others out there looking for the same answers as I am.
    I decided to do some research on other people opinion and found “6 Main Reasons Why We’re Afraid To Change”

    1. Fear of the unknown
    2. Doubt yourself
    3. Isolate yourself and agonized over decisions
    4. Forget that you always have options
    5. Focus on the external world
    6. Handcuff yourself to stuff

    I agree with each one, Fear of the unknown is the main reason. Most people think negative about the outcome of the situation they're in. A Lot of people dreams get put to the side because of fear. Then there are those people who make changes for dumb reasons, lets say for other people. It isn't really good to change for other people, you don't know how long that person will be in your life. That temporarily change could be bad, but then that also a lesson learned .

    Forgetting you have options: When something goes wrong , you can't take it back but you can always do something to make it right. There isn't always just one choice. When someone is about to make a decision , they should always jot down what they think the outcome would come out to be. whether good or bad because those negative thoughts can become positive results.

    on Oct. 11, 2012, 1:38 p.m.
  • Aziza said:

    I’ve always been into fashion , i mean what girl isn't .As a young girl i would always draw dresses picturing myself in them they'd  be elegant but exiotic .I plan to have my own line , but not just any line a line for the hard working woman ,& the poor teenager girl  with a passion for fashion . I feel as tho the cheap things shouldn’t  have to look cheap .  I want to make my line affordable with quality . I know building a line is expensive and hard work  . I've always been that pretty outgoing girl that everyone loved , so i plan to use my good looks , charm , and talent to get the money for my fashion line .I’m going to network while i perfect my craft by earning a degree in musical theater . My talent and charm will build my fan base guaranteeing customers for my line . The line itself will also guarantee customers because no one can argue with the price or the product . I’m not going to be able to do it myself so i know i'll need an strong team of designers . I want a designers with different style so i'd have a piece of clothing that satisfies everyone's taste in style . There are different designers being born everyday i would need at least five . I kind of have an idea of how im going to run things but you can’t start a business without knowing the steps & facts about  the industry .

    A great fashion line should be affordable and have products with quality  that satisfies everyone's taste .  No one wants shoes or clothes that fall apart within a year, i see it happen a lot you buy something with your hard earned money and after wearing it a few times it's falling apart  then you throw it away . Waist of money ! my product should last you a lifetime if you take care of it . My team will make the product hard to damage & that will separate my line from others killing the competition . Being from the bronx i've learned a lot about surviving and competition . I want to be the best affordable line out & i'll do what it takes to make that happen . I’m very passionate about the arts ,meaning Music , theater, Design , & fashion  i like to think of them as food for the soul . My clothing will have lots of quotes ,graphics, prints, & textures you name it i want my line to include it . I need to know ; where to find my designers ? The cost of everything ? what’s the best place to have the product manufactured ? The best cities to locate my store ?  There’s a lot i need to know before i start planning .

    The most important thing is to have an idea of what you want but you also need to know the basics . It’s clear that i know what i want , & how i plan to get it . I also have to decide the perfect name i’m not sure of it yet but i know i want it to start with the letter Z because of my name “Aziza “ . I also need to think about what type of designers i want & what  different types of styles i want to include in this line . where do i start ? & what’s the best place to start at ? what’s my price range ? what materials are hard to ruin ?  & where do i find them ?  how will i advertise my product ? I have an idea about advertising , threw music & networking . I need a time limit on the success & progress of the line .Passion , planing , patients ,& hard work will get the job done . I have a vision & i will make it a reality .

    on Oct. 10, 2012, 12:32 p.m.
  • chappelle said:


    Where Does Dance Originate From?

    Dance originated from all types of cultures such as Hip Hop ,Salsa Ballet , Jazz , Tap , Modern ,  Swing , Contra Dance ,Country Western ,Belly Dance ,Flamenco ,Latin Dance and Folk Dance. i think that dance is a great way of life its a way of communication freedom  and ritual . people that i know dance because it the love to do it the enjoy to move around and be active entertain people and help other that don't know how to dance. i feel as if dance is a way of happiness with family members friends i way of letting go and just having fun also with strangers it a good way to meet is a big part of this world because it express peoples emotions toward their life i enjoy dance which is African dance, Hip Hop & Salsa. I think dance originated from all over the world because there are different types of dances and different ways of doing them.

    Why Do People Pick Dance As A Career?

    I feel though as if people chose dance as a career because that is something that they're good at  and can also benefit other people that cant dance. i also think people chose dance as a career to get ahead in life in the world of fame. that why nowadays we can dance shows on tv so that people that really has talent can show off their talent and make it to the top. dance is a source of talent that is a gift and is also fun because you can learn modern dances that you don't know and incorporate it in early dance.

    Why Does Dance Help People With Their Problems?

    Dance helps people with their problems because when someone that dances is going through a problem they take it out through dance  i think that’s a great way instead of violence. dance is a good way of letting go showing off your talent and showing what you love to do which is DANCE.

    on Oct. 3, 2012, 1:29 p.m.
  • davonc said:

       Black disciples is a street gang originated in chicago, illinois. Not sure who started it but i know it was created in the 1960’s & is still represented til this day. Chicago always seemed more violent than other cities due to the stories i hear from my father, news, music , etc. I'm interested in Learning about this gang because the upcoming rapper who i listen to the most who was just signed to interscope records  “chief keef” is associated with this gang, he speaks of it in his music. Chief keef is from chicago where the gang was originated. Gang life is a big deal to people in chicago, it is in new york but in chicago there are far more deaths from shootings, not from grown men but young men ages 14-19. The black disciples now have created their own literature & strayed away from the original Black disciple teachings. Rapper chief keef & his clique use “ #300 “ / “ #3hunna “ as a reference to the black disciples. in my research i want to learn to original teachings.

     In  the music videos they flaunt guns that arent commonly found in new york but they flaunt these guns as if its nothing to them. Its clearly easier to get your hands on a gun in chicago if 17 years old are carrying ak-47’s in music videos ( by the way a ak-47 is atleast 600-700$ ). i don't encourage shootings if i could put a stop to it i would but i enjoy the music, the sound is different from other rap artist. Chief keef is only 17 & well respected from multi millionaire artist that have Been rapping before his music Took off & some artist that keef even looks up too. I can relate to a lot of the songs, But not only chief keef have the same sound but other artist such as Lil reese, SD, fredo santana, Lil durk (which are all part of chief keefs clique). And even gang rivals of chief keef make music, artist Lil mister, P.rico, & Lil jojo who was Killed in early september of 2012.  Now police are investigating chief keef’s connection to lil jojo murder.

    on Oct. 2, 2012, 1:30 p.m.

    ROSS said:

    Netflicks is running a documentary on the Gangs in Chicago. You might find it very informative. Let me know what you think about how the gang allowed the government to manipulate their practices which resulted in their leader going to jail. CRoss On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 1:30 PM, davonc <
    on Oct. 3, 2012, 1:15 p.m. in reply to davonc

    ROSS said:

    I've shared an item with you: Yearbook It's not an attachment -- it's stored online. To open this item, just click the link above. BASH Yearbook needs your input!!!
    on May 8, 2013, 1:09 p.m. in reply to davonc

    ROSS said:

    I've shared an item with you: Sunset Salsa It's not an attachment -- it's stored online. To open this item, just click the link above.
    on June 18, 2013, 1:03 p.m. in reply to davonc
  • Chante said:

    on Oct. 2, 2012, 12:46 p.m.
  • ZoeC said:



    Does technology change our brains? How? Does it change our society too? I wonder how life would be now without technology. Maybe if we didn’t have technology, we would concentrate better. We probably would be geniuses. LOL Maybe we could use more of our brain. Mind over matter basically. Could probably move things with our brains. I always say if u can believe in God and you don’t see him but have faith and hope he’s there. Why can’t you believe that there’s more in the world than what you see with your eyes. Nothing is impossible.

    Dialogue :
    Jack- *phones pings* *reaches for the phone as quickly as possible*
    Sera- I swear we can’t live without our phones
    Jack- I know. It’s so addictive. It’s like I’m a drug addict can’t go a day without my phone, television, laptop, and etc. Without it I feel bored out my mind
    Sera- *giggles* I feel the same exact way. I know we suppose to use them just as tools but we don’t
    Jack- We have to think of technology like food. It’s necessary and we can’t live without it. Do you think that the world would be simpler and less complicated without technology.
    Sera- Yea I totally do. I mean there is so many great advantages from technology.
    Jack- Yea. Our brains must be rewired * laughs *
    Sera- TOTALLY DUDE.  * snorts *

    How would you know what’s false or not. Maybe what we think is not true is actually true.  
    I don’t think technology can mess up our brains but it can change our behaviors and actions.

    Technology is a way of life. It has many good advantages. Does anyone ever think about the negative effects of it. Maybe the idea that it rewires your brain. I wonder if scientists ever question technology. I find technology compelling. It’s efficient, fast and the most necessary thing in the world.

    on Sept. 29, 2012, 4:03 p.m.
  • Amaric said:

      Why do I eat so much ?         

    Food is the best way to my heart, i loveeee to eat . I love to try new things like spanish food. Chicken from the spanish store is good . I also love to eat chinese food. My favorite thing from the chinese restaurant is shrimp fried rice with no vegetable & four chicken wings chopped up with bbq & hot sauce on it. I also like jimbos. From jimbos i’ll eat cheese fries & a cheese burger. Another fast food place I love is dominos. They had a new pizza called philly cheese steak. It was so good. I love pizza from the pizza store , i tried this buffalo slice it was poppin ! I loveeee seafood lobster,shrimp,snow crab legs.
                                           I like to go to burger king.

    My favorite thing from burger king is a whooper with cheese & fries. I always eat that especially when I’m at work. Thats the best thing in the park besides popeyes. Fries makes you full quick so i always have half of the burger left. Popeyes is also fulling. Mainly because of the breading thats on the chicken. But my boyfriend said everything that i eat outside isn’t good so he cooks for me most of the time.
                           Food is the best way to my heart.
    But i need to eat more healthy things. Like cooked food & vegetables etc.. because I wanna live long enough to see my great great grandchildren. I wanna be able to walk without a cane when i reach into my 70-80’s & i won’t have to be on medication. But unfortunately not everyone is lucky. Thats why everyday you wake up you should thank god your seeing another day. My doctor said that i have fast metabolism. Meaning your metabolism rate is how quick you break up food. Say if you just had a very big dinner and in two hours your hungry again, means your metabolism rate is very high.

    on Sept. 27, 2012, 12:43 p.m.