SlovenlyGhost said:
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.
This task is going to introduce you to writing a basic html document. But you'll do it on paper, using a pen, for fifteen minutes. Think of this challenge as the Webmaking 101 equivalent of wax on, wax off (from the original Karate Kid film).
I get a 404 error when I try to view your homework, can you try again?
Wow! It's been a while since I've done any html, and it's CERTAINLY been longer since I've done it with pen and paper. Great reminder of the start-stop mindset.
I'm so used to typing everything that when I hand wrote this, my hand actually started to feel sore! How sad is that???
When I type, I always pair up the tags. When I write, it's harder to allocate enough space and we cannot add new lines. :)
Alright, nice and easy... hand write a html text sure makes my hand tired... typing is so much better and faster!!!!