Week 1 & 2 Recommended Readings
Every week we'll suggest readings to help with that week's tasks. We understand that you may be pressed for time - the readings are only there to help and guide you. Read as little or as much as you like/can/need in order to answer the tasks as well as learn the material. The readings should substantially decrease the time that you have to spend on the tasks. We suggest checking out the recommended links to the smartcopying site and the powerpoint presentations first.
Smartcopying website
This website is a practical resource on copyright for Australian educators. It's a great site to use as a resource any time you have copyright questions, and it will be very useful throughout these case scenarios: www.smartcopying.edu.au
A good starting place would be:
Copyright general guidelines: http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go/pid/649
The various FAQs: http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go/pid/251
The various information sheets: (schools) http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go/pid/846 and (TAFEs) http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go/pid/847
As well as the the Copyright Compliance Manual for Teachers: http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go/pid/1020
National Copyright Unit’s Slideshare
This website contains past powerpoint presentations the National Copyright Unit has given regarding copyright in the classroom. These powerpoints will be a very useful resource when attempting to find information and answers to the case scenarios. A good powerpoint to start with is the presentation from the "Primary Principals Day":
Copyright in a Digital World- Primary Principals Day from National Copyright Unit, SCSEEC
P2PU Copyright tutorial
Copyright Act 1968 Australia