Introduce yourself

Welcome to Science Friction. This course will provide information from experts on a popular science topic each week but we are also interested in your knowledge and understanding of science.

Introduce yourself in the discussion forum (at the bottom of this page) let us know what experience or background you have in science, it may be a little or a lot, it doesn't matter which but it will help us to provide you with the best experience possible in this course. You can do this in written words, a video, audio recording – feel free to get creative!

Tell us who you are - participant survey

Tell us about you! Please help us to shape this course by taking our short (3-5 minute) participant survey.

Show us where you are

Use the 'Add' (+) button on the top right of the map to add a placemarker.

Pin a placemarker on your country or town (please consider your personal privacy and avoid placemarking actual street addresses) , including a short comment if you would like to, to let us know why you are interested in taking this course.

Help: If you don't see the map embedded above, you can view the map in a new window, click on 'Additions', select 'Add marker simple (or detailed)'. If you encounter difficulties with pinning onto the map, feel free to post your response in the forum below. However, it would be great to have a visual record of our community concerns so please have a try!


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