Case Studies: SOS which have Major Global Impact Potentials

First Update 04/13/2015 Prior Update 08/29/2015 Next to Last Update 09/06/2015 Last Update 09/08/2015


At this point, you the reader may be a bit confused about why I'm bringing all these case studies up, which have nothing specifically to do with language studies in itself... and you may ask how these particular case studies tie into this course of Universal Human Language. The point is, we are in fact, transitioning from the "Age of Discovery" to the "Age of Mastery" and so I ask... How can we even expect to achieve this mastery within our present state of global affairs?

What point is it to master for example, the art-of-medicine, if all we are going to do is the exact opposite, mastering the art-of-killing, to the point-of-no-return... where no matter how skilled the physicians... nothing will bring back our former state-of-functionality... obviously we (all nations of the world) need to some how unite with one another at some sort of level. How do we do that? So far I have put forth the idea of a Universal Human Language but that seems a little far fetched at this point-of-time, as it entails not only total consensus but a huge learning curve.

For example, just in the English language alone, in about every field of science we have, each has it's own unique dictionary of scientific terms and definitions. So to undertake this challenge the english academic community would first need to glean through all the dictionaries and find all the different-terms that have similar definitions and/or processes.

This is essential, as it is frustrating to have to deal with different lingo every time you undertake a new field of study only to find out it's pretty much the same type-of-concepts you've learned in your previous fields of study, just under different names. This makes it a huge challenge to communicate with other specialists. So what I'm saying is that it's time to now generalize the language of all the special languages. That will no doubt be a huge undertaking and require enormous effort and collaboration.

So in the meantime, if we are going to successfully transition into this new "Age of Mastery", we will need to also work on a new Universal Human Way of Thinking -about things and about each other. Ken Wilbur's Integral Theory is a good starting point but what is required, is thinking beyond the "scientific application" and beyond the philosophical bias of "thesis, antithesis, and synthesis argumentation". What we need is an ability to glimpse into our futures by using thought experimentation. We need to know our destination. We need to ask ourselves where are we headed?

I attempt this by introducing general concepts which are outlined below so that we can figure this out. And the good news is, if we don't like what will become of us, then we should perhaps tweak our philosophical outlook and scientific endeavors. Are you starting to get the drift now. Be patient and follow along and I'm sure that it will all eventually click on how it's all related.

First learn the concepts and then examine the case studies within that context. I find that as a learner myself the more I do this the more I'm able to grasp (or discern) what is bullshit and what is the real deal. In other words, the ability to discern between what is noise and that which is signal, and furthermore, the ability to discern whether a particular learning/working environment has integrity... which of course I'll get into at another time as to keep things simple.

Part I. Concepts

In each case study the SOS (Sorts of Scenarios) will be briefly reviewed, MUC (Made Up Concepts) will be exposed, and PGP (Pretty Good Perspectives) will be presented in order to grasp WSU(Wholistic Situational Understanding) for each case study. In truth however, at best, I'll only be able to present PSU (Partial Situational Understanding) as my knowledge is limited.

Nonetheless, I do believe I will present in each case a thorough examination, analysis, and interpretation that will be of great value to learners of this generation and even many generations-to-come. Only time-will-tell. Credits go to all my peers (teachers), spanning both time-and-space. And a special thanks goes out to the P2PU Team for the necessary spark... to make it happen.

Part II. Case Studies

Case Study I. Intentional Communities: Learning to Live with Common Purpose and Intent


i. John Lee Webb: The Man & His Legacy by Cheryl L. Batts, Janis F. Kearney, and Patricia W. McGraw, Ph.D (In Remembrance of Him and His Likes on Martin Luther King Jr Day) Entry On 01/19/2015 Last Edited 01/19/2015

This work tells the story of a remarkable visionary who inspired the likes of Martin Luther King Jr, and even to this day inspires both younger and elderly generations within the African-American communities of both Chicago, IL and Hot Springs, AR (Valley of the Vapors). John Lee Webb was a man of change, a dynamic leader who lit a path in his Hot Springs Community changing the dynamics of tourism and how business was conducted for his fellow sisters and brethren in both the local area and across the country. [1][2]

ii. Maker-Spaces and a Personable Story to Go Along -by dewdew

Notes 4 me (N4M): Talk about MS in general and how that sense of community is similar to communities you've experienced while serving in the military.

iii. The GooglePlex: "Work should be challenging and the challenge should be Fun"

N4M: Talk about Google's Playground and "Working Environment" (WE). Explain how this is the "Ideal Corporate IC (Intentional Community) Work Ethic Model", at least from the aspects of innovation & motivation.

N4R (Notes for Reader): For further self-inquiry, wiki "Corporate Affairs and Culture" under the Google Page ; also to check out some really cool pics, googleimage "Google Playground" .

Also, if you love comedy, then definitely watch "The Internship". I know Rotten Tomatoes gives a really bad review but in my humble opinion, all that means is that "a culture raised on Rambo, Indiana Jones, Luke Skywalker, and James Bond" have sadly begun to acquire bad taste for motion pictures, a solemn thought, indeed. /N4R

iv. The Garden of Eden: On Freedom and Responsibility

N4M: Discuss about your findings while conducting a "concerned citizen" undercover investigation of a small urban organic farming community, in Irving, Tx. /N4M

Case Study II. On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning To Kill In War And Society by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman Prior Update 01/19/15 Last Update 08/26/15


N4R: Our situation is grim indeed, as we are headed to demoralization... in other words, we are growing accustomed to killing, that it is now become second nature to us; or as the above author puts it, we are being "desensitized" to the human suffering around us. /N4R


i. "original sin" -is addressed by modern christian doctrine, but it should be noted that it originates NOT from original christian thought. It is indeed a made-up-concept "developed by Augustine of Hippo during the fifth Century C.E." (Chilton, 2000)

ii. "no pain no gain" -is the current attitude within U.S. American "power- structure" in general, from sports to politics. It should be noted that one of our most cunning private military firms, Craft Int., have an interesting skull-and-cross logo and a somewhat lost history to go along with it; their motto, "Despite what your mama told you... Violence does solve problems".


i. One should understand that there is a current dividing among power-structures. From a politico-spiritual perspective you have on one hand mis-informed dominate fundamentalists [5] and on the other; compassionate, reasoned, and tolerant progressives [6]; Right-Wing and Left Wing Respectively.

ii. You also have a split within the ideo-cultural/politico-military realm where law enforcement officers & military personnel are forced to decide which ethos will guide them during their duties, in both an official and off-the-record capacities... will they live by the honour of the samurai?... by way of truth, trust, and transparency? [7][8] In the open?... or by the wayside of the ninja? [9] [10] Behind closed doors?

The fact is, we now have virtual realities that go hand in hand with our many other types-of-realities which have opened up new perspectives concerning the roles of "good & evil"... for further inquiry, here's an article, a PGP, concerning the theory of "Chaotic Actors".

iii. And in another sense you have the politico-legal/socio-economical spectrum to contend with where "profits over people" type of attitude within our "political leadership" and corporate stockholders (watch full documentary here) are putting all of us into danger of social disorder, regression, and even extinction. On the one hand you have the "industrial complex" who are represented by "corporate lawyers" (super-lobbyists) [11] [12] who work from the top-down approach (command & control) and on the other... grassroot organizations [13] [14] [15] who work from the bottom-up approach (collaboration & consensus), by way of "information-sharing and sense-making", whom represent the voiceless and under-served.

iv. And finally but certainly not least... within the power-structure, you have the socio-spiritual perspective to ponder, specifically from the view of the "healing arts". We must understand that when power-structures fail to serve the common good, severe consequences are to abound, making us as a whole, weak and frail, and as individuals, shattered. A work, which has greatly influenced and guided me, comes to mind, and that is the work of "trauma therapy". On the one hand you have the ancient world of beliefs, where possession is thought to have taken place in the life of the shattered individual (or broken society)... and on the other hand you have the modern models of medicine which theorizes, with strong support, that a "dissociative identity disorder" has taken its root. (Ross & Halpern, 2009)

Also one should note that within the field of psychology, the abstract ideology of "good versus evil" can be looked at in more of a concrete fashion, that is, of "values versus barriers", respectively. Looking at it from that perspective sheds a whole new light and even shades to the topic, making it more meaningful and for better dialogue when trying to resolve conflict. [Need a reference, cannot find anything about it on the internet, any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.]

Case Study III. World Orders and their Symbologies: Past, Present, & Future Entry On 01/20/2015


Quick Intro: This SOS (sort of scenario) haves perhaps the greatest impact potential of all the scenarios due to the sensitivity and stake-at-hand. The fact is, during the development of human civilization, "world order" was invented and vigilantly guarded to maintain the "status quo". The "Powers that Be" have throughout our recorded history, used symbols to convey their rule over the masses. The time-is-near that the people will rule themselves, only the lack of awareness prevents it from being so. If this is to happen, in a peaceful manner, then the people must merge the old world orders into their new world order. What I'm talking about is not the NWO, the status quo, as it currently stands, for indeed, that will never come to fruition. But what I'm talking about is the true understanding, of that one language, The Word, which will bridge us (99% and 1%). That Word has indeed been given to me, that is, the symbology of the New-World-Order-2-Come, in a dream, in a vision of sorts, during my darkest hours, during my ascent up That Mountain. But I'm afraid that it is not yet time, to reveal it. Before I do, I believe context is needed, so that the (un/mis)informed among us, will not panic, as symbols are very powerful... as they have the power to invoke both love & fear.


i. Origins of Signs (Past):

N4R: For further self-inquiry, see one of my favourite reads, The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer by Georges Ifrah, Math Professor /N4R

ii. Paleo-to-Modern Symbology of the Mystics (Present):

N4R: A good place to start investigating would be any books covering the topics of religious symbology... this is a vast study so if you don't have a lot of time then just pick a specific modern religion such as Catholicism and work your way backwards to lets say the hellenistic time period which then branches off into numerous directions. This was the path I took and I'm by no means expert in the field but I do have almost 20 + years under my belt... extremely fascinating study imho. /N4R

iii. Astrology and Calendars (Past-Present-Future):

Obviously, being on the same schedule helps aid world-order... being that most countries have now adopted the gregorian calendar, a seven-day week schedule, it makes for planning and co-ordinating a bit easier to deal with, wouldn't you say? And as far as astrology, the aligning of star constellations and meaning thereof... has for quite some time, bedazzling effects on the ideo-cultural spectrum. Furthermore, this topic-of-interest imho goes hand-in-hand with the study of symbology-of-mystics (see above) and the language-of-unconscious-collective (see below).


i. The Timeless Language of the Unconscious (Future):

This of course concerns dreams and related fields which in turn has always fascinated many peoples from the world over. In the religous context we have our oldest examples of just how significant dreams are to us from biblical accounts going as far back as Joseph who interpreted dreams for the Egyptian Ruling Elite. In modern times we now have in addition the academic context in which the study of psychology picks up, in particular the works of Carl Jung who in my opinion is the modern day equivalent of Joseph, but greater because he teaches us how to interpret our own dreams within the context of our own lives, a significant accomplishment indeed.


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