Thesis Proposal IV: The Form and Function Aspects of Language

Entry On 09/02/15

Introduction Some valuable functions-of-language are things such as inquiry, expression, description, programming, communication, etc. etc., but are there additional features that language unlocks for us? And if so, what forms-of-language enable these additional types of features?

Part I. Are We to Divide and Conquer?

N4M: Complete this line of thought out: On (mis)Communication and (im)Balance... end it with the concept of Conflict Resolution and include the following details as to tie it all together:

A. Are We to Unify and Support?

-We tend to deny and neglect parts of ourselves because of our Western Society upbringing... such as men are taught to be tough and to "suck it up" and so on. This is un-natural and this is why we as individuals are defeated at so many levels and in so many ways. This is very self-evident within the veteran communities where over twenty suicides a day are committed [need reference]... and even within the law enforcement communities where emotional instability makes family life nearly impossible to cope with [1] /N4R

B. The (un)Spoken & (un)Written Languages of our Human Composition

-N4R: Brainstorm on how your own elements (body, mind, spirit and heart & soul) speak to you in subtle ways... also experiment on yourself (in a good way and not suggesting any kind of cruel or un-natural trial & error type of stuff)... for example, do you know how to test yourself to see if you're dehydrated? Try to figure it out... hint: it's not by peeing, so try again. - And here's another example for you curious folks out there... do you know how powerful your sense of smell is? And how smell effects your mood? Think it over and perhaps experiment a little... always remember... "Know Thyself!" /N4R

C. Why We Sense

  • N4R: Consider conscious awareness and attention; focal points and open-focus; the sixth sense and other senses not usually talked about in academics, etc etc. /N4R

Part II. Feed-Back Loops

From what I can tell, what we lack in communication across the board except perhaps in advanced electronics and programming logic are simple forms of feedback capabilities... anyone who studies biology or computer science knows how critical this is for correct functionality of whatever type of system you are dealing with... so my question is, how hard would it be to incorporate such a loop in our current languages we use... I guess the first step would be to evaluate the output but then what? We have to figure this out if we are ever going to advance our civilization to bigger and better things -things beyond war.


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