Thesis VII Proposal: On Roses

Entry On 02-12-15 Previous Update 04-12-15 Last Update 08-29-15


This thesis goes out to all my bros and sisters... much heart, hugs, and kisses... 'muah muah'

I must admit, I'm bit of a romantic-at-times, can't resist, and since Valentines is right around-the-corner, I figure it's best to keep my spirits in line with the Seasonal Spirit... so for now my dear friends, I will be a lovely-little-dovely and talk about sweet smelling aromas... I will talk about roses.

If you think about it, the matter-of-roses encompasses a whole array of topics. In order for roses to flower and produce their fragrance, much time and "best efforts" must be spent out in the fields, definitely many days or perhaps weeks of toil... but gradually working with roses gets easier... but still, "Be Careful!", as you may get pricked.

We matter-of-fact, put high value on roses, so much so, that back in the good ole days-of-robinhoods, when thieves would steal riches from those with crowns-and-swords and disperse them magnificently so, amongst the poor, a "treasure keep" that stored heaps of silver & gold was worthless in the eyes-of-thieves and simply overlooked when the demanding presence of roses were in-the-air. The thieves would be overcome with sudden joy and playful glee, precious moments, as they would become like children, in all their innocence, lost for a moment in time and space... but the thieves of course would back-snap-to, that is, come back into their present moment, to accomplish the task-at-hand... and so they would neatly tuck & pad the delicate fragrant jars-of-essential-oils into their sacks, so as to be extremely careful not to break them... and then off they would go, slipping into the night, where hence they came... leaving not even a scent behind. This is a true story, but as always, we never hear about the unsung heroes, unless it be behind alleys or else dark, very dark places... ... ...

Part I. Philosophical Inquiry:

1. Is a Rose still a Rose by any other Name?
2. Exactly what makes a Rose a Rose?
3. Are roses-without-thorns the same as roses-and-thorns?


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