Good morals can exist without God

Good morals can exist without God.

The FBI looked into why people became serial sexual killers and being atheists was not one of them.

Upbringing involving alcoholism, mental illness, child abuse and other traumas were some of the contributing factors.

Japan has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world. This is not because there are more Christians there than America. In fact it is the other way round.

The number of people who re-offend when they leave prison usually reduces with rehab in prison and post-release support after prison like housing and jobs. So it seems God is not what is keeping people from killing and harming others.

Religious people tend to do more volunteering and donate more to charity though than those not attending church.

Yes atheists could do more volunteering and give more to charity but the reality is they do not. Some atheists have argued that a lot of the donations go to places of worship {instead of say Oxfam} but that does not change the fact that they are donating money to someone else at much higher rates.

So religion or more specifically the social community that religion fosters drives up volunteering and donation rates.


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