Life after becoming a prophet

Becoming a prophet: Prophet Mohammed used to find isolated locations to worship God following Ibrahim's (Abraham) monotheism. He used to travels outside of Makkah to “Hira”, a small cave 2 miles from Makkah, and worship God alone praying and gazing at the stars. When he was 40 years old worshiping in Hira A huge inceident happened, an Angel came to him and told him: IQRA (READ) and revealed the first 5 verses of the Holy Quran. (assignment 3: Read about the story of Hira, how prophet Mohammed became a prophet and what happened between him and the angel). After meeting with Gabriel, the angel, he was frightened and went to his wife, Khadija, who made him calm down and told him he is a man of God and God will not harm him. Later she took him to her cousin Waraqa who told them this the angel who visited Mousa (Moses) and it is a sign of becoming a prophet. Waraqa was an old person and he mentioned that he wishes he was young to defend Mohammed in his message. Waraqa dies a few months after that meeting.

Prophet Mohammed lived until he was 63 years old. We can divide his life into 40 years before prophet hood and 23 years after becoming a prophet. The 23 years of being prophet also can be divided into 13 years in Makkah and 10 years in Madina.

In Makkah for 10 years Prophet Mohammed was sent to all mankind and he was ordered to tell people to follow Islam. First person to become a Muslim was his wife Khadija, then Ali his cousin, Zaid his servant, and Abo Bakor his closest friend. Islam was spread secretly and carefully the first 3 years. Abo Bakor had a great role helping prophet Mohammed spreading his word. He spoke to close friends and convinced them to becoming Muslims and meeting Prophet Mohammed and listen to him. Abo Bakor was the first to publicly announce becoming a Muslim. Small number of people became Muslims but the majority refused this new religion. After 3 years, Prophet Mohammed spoke out and started invited people publicly to Islam. Disbelievers of Makkah started to oppose Islam and torture weak Muslim (assignment 4: tell 2 stories of totured Muslim people at that time). Prophet Mohammed encouraged Muslims people to immigrate to “Habasha” (Ethiopia now) where they can find refugee from hardship and worship God safely there. Disbelievers of Makkah covered up the new message from spreading and called prophet Mohammed names such as insane and juggler. After long years of loving him and trusting him, now they call him a liar. Prophet Mohammed was protected from extreme hardship because of his powerful uncle Abo Talib. Other Muslims were tortured sometimes to death. Still prophet Mohammed got his share from hardship. After 7 years Disbelievers of Makkah boycott 2 tribes supported Islam. Abo Talib and Khadija supported Mohammed and joined his group. This boycott was inclusive of every thing, even trading and marriages from Mohammeds tribe. Three years of Boycott were enough to exhaust all the energy and power Abo Talib had as he was old. On the 10th year after prophet hood the boycott was over but Abo Talib was old and he died on that year. Prophet Mohammed tried to convince him to becoming a Muslim but Abo Talib refused. He supported prophet Mohammed out of tribalism and not because of believing in his message. Prophet Mohammed's wife, Khadija, passed away in that same year leaving Prophet Mohammed with little or no support. That year was called the year of sadness.

In Makkah 3 more years: With little support and small number of followers Prophet Mohammed was weaker than ever and Disbelievers were able to cause more hardship. He now tried to call people out of Makkah for Islam. He traveled to Taif trying different people to call for Islam but they stoned him until his feet bled. Taif story is a very painful one and it is a good reading assignment to learn how prophet Mohammed was week and merciful at the same time. He did pray to God with a very beautiful words. I encourage every one to try to find them and read them (Assignment 5: Read about Taif story). Another very important incident happened called: "Israa and meraaj". This is when prophet Mohammed traveled from Makkah to Jerusalem and raised to heavens, met God, and received the order of Islamic prayers, and came back to Makkah all in a very short time. It was mentioned in history that when he came back to his bed it was still warm (assignment 6: read about Israa and Meraj). Prophet Mohammed then started roaming among pilgrims who came to Makkah calling for Islam. He met 2 tribes from Madina called Aus and Khazraj (Both Al-ansar) and they mentioned that Jewish scholars lived in Madina among them used to tell them about a new prophet to come. Both tribes quickly embraced Islam and next year they Pledge of allegiance to prophet Mohammed

Immigration to Madina: Prophet Mohammed allowed his companions to immigrate to Madina. Prophet Mohammed and his closest friend Abo Bakor immigrated together among last Muslims in Makkah. Disbelievers tried to kill prophet Mohammed while he was leaving Makkah but didn’t succeed (asignment 7: Read about his immigration/escape story). People of Madina received prophet Mohammed with warm and big welcome. They believed in him, followed him, helped him, supported him, fought for him, sacrified themselves for him and did the same for all Muslims immigrated to Madina. There prophet Mohammed was able to start the state of Islam. Still much to come and many things happened during the last 10 years of prophet Mohammed's life in Madina.

Fighting for Islam: This part of prophet Mohammed's life is matching or overcome all things happened before. 10 years in Madina were packed with activities: ruling Madina, stories, glories, loyalties, betrayals, accusations, poisaning, loosing loved ones, and finally prevailing. Madina now consisted of diverse people. There was Muslims residents and Non-Muslim residents from 2 different tribes (Aus and Khazraj) with shaky relation between the 2 tribes, Muslim immigrants from Makkah, 3 Jewish tribes but small in numbers compared to Arabs. Some non-Muslims announced Islam and became hypocrites taking every chance to bring Islam down and destroy it from inside. Prophet Mohammed established Islamic state in Madina and started ruling. At this time, disbelievers of Makkah took all Muslims' properties and belongings in Makkah. They took their fortune and traveled to Sham for trading. All bounties and trading results were coming back from Sham to Makkah, the way passes near Madina. Just now, God permitted prophet Mohammed to fight disbelievers. Prophet Mohammed and his followers followed the ride full of goods and met Makkah disbelievers in the first and the most remarkable battle in Islamic history (assignment 8: read Battle of Badr). During prophet Mohammed stay in Madina, several Battles occurred defending the Islamic state in Madina such as Badr, Uhud, The Trench, Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, and Conquest of Makkah

conquering Makkah: in the 8th year of Hijra (immigration to Madina) prophet Mohammed conquered Makkah. It was a very dramatic situation to get back to his home town as a winner defeating Makkah disbelievers after they tried to kill him and destroy his message. He met family members and friends as well enemies (Assignment 9: read how prophet Mohammed delt with Makkah disbelievers). Makkah was the religious capitol of Arabia and all Arabs know that (from the year of Elephant) that Makkah is protected by Allah. conquering Makkah means that Allah is on his side, therefore, all Arab tribes showed allegiance to Islam and prophet Mohammed after he captured Makkah.

His death: Prophet Mohammed performed Hajj (pilgrim to Makkah) in 10th year of immigration. He mentioned that he might not be able to perform Hajj again. Prophet Mohammed passed away in the 11th year of immigration and his death was a dramatic event that until now Muslim people remember with such sorrow (Assignment 10: read how prophet Mohammed died).


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