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This course is broken up into five components that I am calling "Sessions" here, each spaced two weeks apart. You can complete the readings and tasks for each session any time during those two weeks and still keep pace with the class.

Readings and exercises for each session are organized into three themes: "Site Building", "Online Courses", and "Web Fundamentals". Tasks related directly to building your own site will be under "Site Building" while the material in "Online Courses" will center on the practical and social realities of online courses. Finally, "Web Fundamentals" will give a better handle on the tools that make our sites work and how you can can improve your proficiency with them. While the course is designed to address all three of these themes, I have kept the elements separated enough that you can follow along in just one or two areas if you do not have the interest or availability to complete all three.

In addition to readings and exercises, I will also be running an in-person study group at the Columbia Language Resource Center in NYC for any CU affiliates enrolled in the course. These sessions are organized so people in the course have the opportunity to ask questions of each other and discuss the course material or their own work in real time. We will also make use of the "Discussion" tool built in to P2PU so feel free to post there with questions or comments as we go along.

If anyone is interested in hosting a learning circle outside of Columbia, that would be wonderful. Let me know if you want some of my additional prep material.
