Final Assessment

The school has a small library; this library operates manually as paper records in the books borrowing process. The librarian decides to take a baby step to computerize the library’s system. Librarian at this stage wants to have an application that asks for students’ the username and password if the username and password have matched the provided authorized students proceed the student to the next stage.

At this stage, there are 10 authorized students to use this system.


Part A

Write an algorithm to require the user to enter the username and password, then search in lists if entered username and password are matched print a welcome message, otherwise, print an error message.

Based on the unit concept, you may want to insert the data in two lists as bellow:



In order, to compare the username and password this statement should be correct:

List-UserName [4] == List-Passwords [4]

So if the username is ‘Sophie’ entered password should be matched ‘Password5’

Part B:

As far as user name and password processed successfully, the user can use the library service. Library service: At this initial first step of the library system, there is an associated unique code for each book, students can check the library’s book list and enter the code in the system to find out that this book is available or borrowed by another student. List of books cod and their statues are as below:


A student looks for the following book of library index.


List-Code [7] = 4521

List-status [7] = T

Therefore, this book is in the library and does not borrow.

You need:

Design an algorithm that required students to enter the code, then your algorithm will look for that code in the list and print the appropriate message for the user for the following states. If it borrowed by a student and is not available. If book available. If the user enters the wrong number and code does not exist.

Part C:

Interface Design Design the user interface for above application. You do not need to write an algorithm and coding for design use a handy application like MS Paint or to demonstrate your design.


Develop your algorithm with Python.


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