Week 2 - Group Meet and Greet

Now that we know a bit more about you, we’ll assign you to a group. We'll do this by Wednesday, October 31st. Once you’ve received your group designation:

  • say hello to your group;

  • acquaint yourselves with the ICT Tools needed to collaborate and work together ('Communicating in this course' and 'Collaboration Tools' will help with that);

  • make a group decision on the collaborative tool your group will use by the start of week three (Monday 5 November 2018) so that you'll be ready to go on that week's task.

You may want to go ahead and get a head start by looking at some of the recommended text and resources.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns- just let us know! Leave a comment in the below comment box or email us (emma.brown124@det.nsw.edu.au or jessica.smith81@det.nsw.edu.au), and we'll get back to you ASAP.


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