I'm thrilled that queerpedagogue invited me to collaborate on the course Queer Pedagogy: Queering Our Teaching, Queering our Learning, running from Dec. 5 - Mar 26.
Thanks to the AERA Queer Studies SIG for putting the opportunity out there among our members.
I'm approaching this course as an ally who has been deeply touched by the work of the late Eve Sedgwick, though my academic specialization is Educational Leadership and Administration. I'm nearing the end of my doctoral studies and they've given me a huge appetite for qualitative research as well as an insaitable interest in equity activism.
Here in Canada, we're fortunate that same-sex marriage is the law of the land, but homophobia still runs rampant and in may guises. Our public school systems are toxic with official policies that strongly discourage and in some cases prohibit staff and students from disclosing LGBT identities. Anti-homophobic training is scarce in PD circles, and most school leaders ignore LGBT bullying, harassment, and exclusion.
My hope in collaborating with everyone in this course is to deepen my understanding of how traditional, post-colonial curriculum and pedagogy re/produce LGBT disentitlement. I also want to learn as much as I can about how to challenge and transform homophobic behaviour at every level of society.
My dream job will combine university teaching, hopefully in preservice teacher education and graduate studies, qualitative research, and senior administration. We'll see what happens!