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El curso de metodología de investigación pretende facilitar una herramienta útil y sencilla que permita realizar proyectos en investigación clínica en cada uno de los centros en que trabajemos de una manera fácil y practica.
We want to talk about the catalysts surrounding digital piracy, including law, privacy, surveillance, data, science, art and free culture, government, and our future.
El curso de metodología de investigación pretende facilitar una herramienta útil y sencilla que permita realizar proyectos en investigación clínica en cada uno de los centros en que trabajemos de una manera fácil y practica.
Build your own Wireless Sensor Networks using Arduino and XBee. From 101 to a totally-enabled you!
Come make/hack/play with a group of educators!
Простое описание принципов действия АЦП и ЦАП прямого преобразования
Doing PhD Research is scientific, methodological way of finding answers to hypothetical questions. Since research methodology gives direction for conducting your thesis and also affects your results and how you conclude the findings, thus, it requires special and complete attention.
An introduction to Professional Archaeology
This course is meant to create a pathway into learning about analog electronics, for people who are scared of the math and general trickery that usually comes with it. A hands-on approach is taken in this course through a combination of lecture and experimentation to teach you about the different basic ideas (AC vs. DC, filters and amplifiers) used in analog electronics.
Portal do Grupo de Direitos Humanos e Internacional Penal Lorena (D.H.I.P) - Projeto Haia da UNISAL U.E. Lorena
aprendre a utilizar word.
Book Club about "The Art of computer programming"
learn about one of the most used but least understood figurative language tools.
Get Set For AS Physics Success
Un curso de aprendizaje online que imparte la sección de sistemas en nuestra empresa
A "toolkit" course of modules for teachers, administrators, learners, and others about using open-ended learning, the essence of the research process, in education. Includes how-tos, examples and procedures for assessment, and resources to collaborate with folks outside the classroom, such as scientists and researchers.
The lowdown on Badges at P2PU: the best way to craft, design and implement Badges for your P2PU course.
Get set for AS Biology Success
Getting you set for AS Chemistry success
O curso de Sonoplastia de Ambientes capacita o indivíduo a analisar, identificar e operar eficientemente aparelhos de som em vários ambientes, além de englobar os assuntos de sistemas sonoros, de pequenos e grandes ambientes, assim como instrução sobre avaliação de aparelhos e controle em tempo real em dos mesmos durante eventos. Além disso, o curso é complementado com o estudo teórico da física envolvida no som e seus fenômenos
How to prepare for the London experience abroad. Here you will learn a bit of British history to prepare you for your time in London.
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