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What will you blog about?

Come up with an understanding about your yet to create blog

Welcome to this first task of the blogging and webdesign course. I'm really looking forward to working with you guys and hope that you will get as much enjoyment out of blogging as I have.

Before we set up anything visible on the web, it's important that you take a moment to think about what you will do. Thinking about what you want your blog to be will help to define the steps you need to take to get there. So get out some pens and paper and start to think about your blog.

Step 1: Goal

I started blogging because I wanted to advance my Photoshop and photography skills and wanted a place to showcase what I had learned. I somehow wanted to combine this with my love baking and sharing recipes. Knowing this helped me shape the look of the blog, as well as to connect to other bloggers.

What do you want to accomplish with this blog? Is it for personal fulfillment? Do you want to encourage others who are in a similar situation? Is it about meeting new people?  Write down all your thoughts and don't rush through this stage, take all the time you need to come up with a clear goal because this is going to shape all your other decisions. I recommend you don't continue with the next steps until you are clear on your goal.

Step 2: Pick a name

Now you have your goal set up, let's look at what to name it. There aren't really any 'rules' about blog naming (as pointed out by the Name Inspector). Just make sure the name describes your blog and is not too complicated in terms of spelling.

If you are having a hard time coming up with a name you can try to write down a number of keywords that describe your blog and then search for synonyms. Mix and match those keywords until you come up with a catchy one (one that's hopefully not been taken yet!)

Step 3: Other questions

  1. Which subjects do you want to write about? Why?
  2. Are there any blogs that inspire you?
  3. How do you want to use that inspiration in your blog?

Answer these questions about your blog, and feel free to post them to the group directory so we can comment on them.

Task Discussion