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Full Description

Please fill out the study group's full description. In this page you could:

  • Describe the purpose of the study group and the learning goals for the tasks within.
  • Describe your role in this study group. What made you interested in this topic? What do you hope to achieve by organizing this study group? Are you an expert, enthusiastic or a novice?
  • Include any prerequisite knowledge or skills needed to participate in the study group, the intended start date, estimated pace, commitment, amount of work, and the length of time the participants can expect to work together (a few days, a few weeks, or forever).
  • Provided any other information that could be useful for people interested in joining the study group. In what ways can participants expect to contribute to the creation of tasks and assessing each others\' contributions? What will the final task comprise?

Task Discussion

  • BreinSoftechP2PU   Dec. 30, 2012, 6:53 p.m.

    Moral Theory- The first business of moral theory is to obtain in outline an idea of the factors which constitute personal disposition. In its general features, the traits of a reflective moral situation: The doer of the moral deed must have a certain "state of mind" in doing it. First he must know what he is doing  secondly he must choose it and choose it for itself and thirdly the act must be the expression of a formed and stable character. 

    In other words  the act must be voluntary that is, it must  manifest a choice and for full morality at least, the choice must be an expression of the general meaning and set of personality. It must involve awareness of what one is about, a fact which in the concrete signifies that there must be a purpose, an aim, an end in view, something for the sake of which the particular act is done.

    May acts be voluntary, that is, be expressions of desire,intent, choice, and habitual disposition, and yet be morally neutral,indifferent? For what  is called moral theory is but a more conscious and systematic raising of the question which occupies the mind of any one who in the face of moral conflict and doubt seeks a way out through reflection. In short, moral theory is but  an extension of what is involved in all reflective morality.

    There are two kinds of moral struugle. one kind, and that the most emphasized in moral writings and lectures, is the conflict which takes place when an individual is tempted to do something which he is convinced is wrong. Such instances are important practically in the life of an individual, but they are not the occasion of moral theory. Case in point, the employee of a bank who is tempted to embezzle funds may indeed try to argue himself into finding reasons why it would not be wrong for him to do it. 

    But in such a case, he is not really thinking,but merely permitting his desire to govern his beliefs. There is no  sincere doubt in his mind as to what he should do when he seeks to find some justification for what he has made up his mind to do.  The question of what ends a man should live for does not arise as a general problem in customary morality. It is forestalled by the habits and institutions which a person finds existing all about him.

    He accepts the aims provided by customs failing to give required guidance. And this failure happens when the old institutions break down, when  invasions from without and inventions and innovations from within radicallly alter the course of life. If habit fails, the sole alternative to caprice and random action is reflection. And reflection upon what one shall do is identical with formation of ends.

    Moreover, when social change is great, and a great variety of conflicting aims are suggested, reflection cannot be limited to the to the selection of one end out of a number which are suggested by conditions. Thinking has to operate creatively to form new ends. Every habit introduces continuity into activity; It furnishes a permanent thread or axis. When custom breaks down, the only thing which can link together the succession of various acts is a common purpose running through separate acts.

    An end-in-view gives gives unity and continuity, whether it be the securing of an education, the carrying on of a military campaign, or the building of a condo. The more inclusive the aim in question the broader is the unification which is attained.


    The purpose  of the study group is to write what the term "motive" is. (1).Does it mean those interests which form the core of the self and supply the principles by which conduct is to be understood?  (2). The object, whether perceived or thought of, which effect an alteration in the direction of activity? The learning goals are secondary with a derived sense that identifies "motive" with the object which brings about an alteration in the course of conduct that has a definite and important practical meaning.

    In a world like ours where participants are associated (social networking) together, and where one participant does have important consequences for other participants, the study is to attempt to influence other participants so that they will do certain positive things and not do other negative things in a constant function of life.On all sorts of grounds, we are constantly engaged in trying to influence the conduct of  others. Such influencing is the most conspicuous phase of education in the home it actuates buyers and sellers in business and lawyers in relation to clients, judge and jury.

    My role in this study group is to be a self-educator for all P2PU participants. What made me interested in this topic is John Dewey's moral philosophy. I enjoy studying about his theories of the moral life. What I hope to achieve by organizing this study group is a reflective utilitarian morality with unbiased moral sense of mankind. I am a enthusiast.The prerequisite knowledge needed to participate in the study group is unbiased moral sense of mankind constituting utilitarian morality.

    The intended start date will begin anytime on Sunday,1-06-2013. Moderately estimated pace.Commited to lead P2PU participants of the community to attain a certain degree of moral stability.The amount of work and the length of time the participants can expect to work together is forevermore.In conclusion,let's point out the discussion of morality which is useful for participants interested in giving an empirically verifiable meaning to the conception of ideal values in contrast with material values.

    The creation of tasks and accepting each other's contribution, participants can expect to provide a reflective individual with a set of principles which would help them follow a surer moral path in a virtual world growing increasingly chaotic.The final task comprise ?