This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Full Description


We will learn about the current state and the current players in education politics through discussion and research.  Students will learn about current issues and examine them from multiple perspectives and will consider their own education beliefs and relate them to modern American education politics.  The class will depend on the research of the students, with extra information and guidance coming from classmates and the facilitator! 

There will be 5 classes, each lasting approximately an hour.    Students will be expected to do research outside of class time. 


This class is primarily for students looking to go into education, although everyone is welcome as long as they are willing participants! 

Sign-Up Task

Before the first lesson, students should set out to do current events education research on their own in whatever way you see fit.  As you research, start  a written blogroll, keeping a written list of education websites you found particularly informative and enjoyable!

Task Discussion