This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Week 6-9

Week 6-9 - The project

  • To take what you've learned so far and apply it in more depth to some aspect of marketing for your enterprise
  • Week 6-9 page
  • Your choices
  • Post your project summary in Forums under Week 6 * Due no later than March 4; Include the following:
    • Objectives
    • Requests for collaboration as applicable
    • Requests for assistance from the course organiser
    • A brief timetable of the work you need to do to complete this project
  • Complete your project * Due no later than March 29

So this is the really fun part of this course -- 4 weeks to complete any marketing project you like for your enterprise.

You get to design the project.

You probably already have a million ideas for what you might do, but here are some possibilities just in case you're stuck.
  • Write a marketing plan for your enterprise
  • Design and set up a web site for your enterprise
  • Create your enterprise's mission and vision statement
  • Produce a promotional video for your enterprise
  • Recruit the first x (10? 100? 1,000?) evangelists or actual customers for your enterprise
  • Set up your enterprise's social media initiatives (Twitter, FB, YouTube channel, etc.)
  • Create a public relations plan for your enterprise
  • Structure a project around another marketing topic that we didn't cover in this course
Hope you all will add to this list as well!

Task Discussion