Introduce Your Dinosaur
Say Hello to your fellow learners
Tell your peers a little about your favorite Dinosaur. Don't have a favorite? Invent one! Do an image search and find a picture that represents your dinosaur. You can also upload an image.
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.
Tell your peers a little about your favorite Dinosaur. Don't have a favorite? Invent one! Do an image search and find a picture that represents your dinosaur. You can also upload an image.
I would have to say my favorite dinosaur is the T-Rex from the Ben Stiller movie, "Night At The Museum". I love that he acts just like a big dog, wanting to play.
Rexie is definitely a cool dinosour! I almost forgot about that one... :)
Did the Night at the Museum experience just after this movie came out. Overnight at Auckland Museum, sleeping in the shadow of Sue, the touring T-Rex.
Gotta love 'em all. I was always partial to the flying dinos such as the pterodactyl but who can go past the big guy?
This looks cool! I would like to make this my favourite Dinasour..!
I suppose triceretops is a fav, but I love this picutre because I grew up standing under it, marvelling and being inspired. I still have the goal to train and excavate at the La Brea Tar Pits someday...
May be it is because I am a short person
My favorite is definitely the Brachiosaurus. tall big awesome, swims (which I also can't) lolz
This is what I imagine a real life philosoraptor to look like. He thinks very deeply.
Never really forgot the Velociraptor since Jurassic Park came out.
where as growing up a stegasaurus was always my favourite, for the sake of posting one i've decided to go old school, and as someone below has got the baby from dinosaurs (i salute you sir) i'll take it back a bit further, with denver. he's my friend and whole lot more...
Greetings Everyone!
I think plastic dinosaurs are fun. As kids plastic dinosaurs were fun.The T-Rex is the most popular among the dinosaur toys because its so gigantic and a leader.
My favorite dino is the Bookasaurus. Books, as my generation knows them, are becoming extinct but that doesn't mean they're not still fun to hold and read and collect. Sounds like dinosaurs to me! And this dinosaur can't get the image to post to the discussion. More to learn!
when you comment there are these icons second row third from the left is for inserting images you can link straight from its url or upload from your computer. But for this first one i think i had it open in paint and just pasted it in. I must apologise for my 'grammar' - as you noticed but i tend to ramble when emailing or posting online- its more a brain bubble for me than a formal dialogue. Good luck on the goggles.
great image like something out of a creature feature movie
I think I have been here! Too fun!
neat t-rex looks like its in California
erm has to be the not the mama kid dinosaur just reminded of him with that picture of robbie from dolcina so I have to give her the wave badge too... Again! Again! Oh just seen another pic of them further down oh well first seen first wave... I am studying to be a teacher but want to expand my knowledge on here and experience the free/open learning so I can mebbe contibute to it...