Of all the topics that this course brought up, I'd been most knowledgeable about educational borrowing and lending. The other topics resonated with me and gave me much to think about. First, what is education/learning? How do we define and measure it? Does ed necessarily have to be "institutionalized"? This alone sends my mind spinning. As if it was not enough, we went into exploring holistic education and sustainability. I think the two areas are pretty much related - while being a whole person applies, first of all, to an individual, being sustainable is more about society. How do we bring these into our learning/teaching/program design/research? I don't know yet but I'm starting having ideas. Hats off to Anna.
Final reflections (June 25-July 4, 2012)
Thinking back on the last 4 weeks...
What key themes or ideas really resonated with you in this seminar?
What questions have come up for you?
What's next for you as you continue your exploration of international and comparative perspectives on education?
Feel free to share any additional comments with your colleagues in this seminar.
Thank you!
A note from this seminar's facilitator:
Thanks to those that took the time and space to participate in this seminar. Without you all it is just meaningless words on a screen. Thanks for breathing life into this seminar with your thoughts, questions and exchanges.
To creating sustainable education systems that bring joy, health and peace to the world!
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