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Design Your Badge Graphic [May 28, 2012, 12:43 p.m.]

Badge Design Essentials

You can use whatever design tools you're comfortable with to build a badge and submit it to the group. The basic elements a badge should have are:

  • width?
  • vectored?
  • file size?
  • transparent?


If you're not a graphic design guru, use this excellent tutorial provided by community member Jose using Inkscape (open source) to design a badge:

Using Inkscape to Design Badges

Inkscape is an Open Source Vector Graphics editor. For a generic introduction to inkscape feel free to watch this video tutorial which is the first part of an 11 parts series.

The first step will be to download and install Inkscape and the resources needed which have been compressed into this P2PU Badge resource file.

The resources file contains a template file called P2PU_Badge_Template_v1.svg, and a font file called Princeton Normal.ttf, which is the font used for the P2PU logo. (Installing a font is a platform specific task so to install Princeton Normal in your particular computer please use your favourite engine to search for "install fonts XXXX" where XXXX is Mac, Linux, or Windows. If you are having any problems please leave a comment and we will help you out.)

Once the font is installed in your system, all you need to do is open the svg provided template and start modifying it, as explained in the next section. 

Using the P2PU Badges Template

The following video shows, step by step, how to use the template with Inkscape:

If you are having any problems please leave a comment.

More information

The following video explains how to use the bitmap trace tool that was mentioned in the previous video:

The following links are tutorials and articles on how to use text effects and make the text follow a path.

Show Us Your Work!

Post a link int he comments to your drafts and final badge design for feedback!