This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Identify Skills

What achievements are your peers trying to show?

Your Task.

In the comments section below, tell us:

  • Which skills does your badge represent?
  • Which course will offer the badge?
  • What type of badge will it be?


Which Skills Are You Assessing?

As an organizers, the badge should directly correspond to the learning goals of your P2PU course. A strong connection between goals and badges makes the assessment relevant. For instance, in HTML Hunting in the World Around You, HTML Basic Badge directly corresponds to learning...well, the basics of HTML. 

While it would be awesome, an "Internet Browsing Monster" badge would not be a relevant badge here, because browsing the web isn't a goal of the course. Make sense? :) 


What Is the Badge For?

What event in the learning process does the badge recognize? A few options:  

  • Is the badge for the completion of a project or task? A “Skill” badge is most appropriate. Learners apply for that badge upon completion of a project or task.
  • Is the badge for a trait a learner demonstrates?Community” badges are what peers award to each other--maybe for giving Helpful Feedback or being a Team Player.
  • Is the badge about user’s activity? Stealth” badges are earned automatically by usage on the site. For instance, learners get the Beta Hero badge by completing all tasks in a challenge.


Badge Types

Skill Badge

  • requires submissions
  • minimum N number of votes to be awarded (default and preferably 3 or 2)
  • minimum M average rating (default and preferebly 3)
  • can be associated with a task of the challenge so the user is promt to submit to the badge while (s)he is marking the task as completed

Community Badge

  • users give this badge to their peers
  • appears in the give badge dialog on discussion areas of the challenges
  • users can receive multiple badges of this comming from different peers
  • no submissions

Challenge Completion Badge

  • given automatically to anyone that marks all the challenge tasks as completed

  • Beware: peers can acquire completion badges without doing actual work


Task Discussion

  • J. Robin Ward said:

    • Which skills does your badge represent?

    This is a meta- badge -- it recognizes the participant's ability to create a digital badge.  To do so, the participant must complete the P2PU course "Badge Maker" and present the resultant badge.

    • Which course will offer the badge?

    This is a purely experimental badge and is not associated with any course at this time.

    • What type of badge will it be?

    This is a skill badge.

    on Aug. 17, 2012, 9:10 a.m.
  • ToddF said:

    I recently create an application using Play Framework and Heroku to demo my understanding of Badges in Leah Macvie's "Badges 101" P2PU course.

    I would like to try creating a course and badge for learners on P2PU who want to explore creating web applications using Play Framework and deploying to the cloud using Heroku.

    on Aug. 16, 2012, 3:43 p.m.
  • fboss said:

    Have been looking into developing these badges now and have decided to simplify things greatly by reducing the number to two.

    They will both be based around the "Challenge Badge" option.

    I'm going to create one badge for speakers at a CESIMeet (based on the TeachMeet model).

    BADGE 1:
    CESI Speaker Badge = this will be for those teachers attending who get up to speak at the Meet. As they wil all be talking about ICT in Education and we'll have their e-mail addresses it should be straightforward enough to send them a link to their badge.

    BADGE 2:
    CESI Attendee Badge = this will be given to all of those who attend the CESIMeet (and this means that those who also speak will get this badge too).

    I'm wondering if I should add dates to the badges or the location name of where the CESIMeet was held. This would nmean the creation of a new badge for each Meet (but there are only a few of these a year).

    I also feel, that by keeping this initial offering small, I will gain an understanding of the practical side to issuing badges in time for the CESI Conference next February.

    P.S. - Being an Art Teacher by trade, I've spent more time playing with Inkscape and working on the design than anything else.



    on Aug. 9, 2012, 9:41 a.m.
  • Leigh Blackall said:


    Multiple skills badges. I hope to link to other skills badges before creating our own. I will reduce to one skill for this course if necessary.
    1. Connect to Charles Darwin University Wireless 
    2. Use web browsers 
    3. Manage a Google Apps account 
    4. Author, share documents in Google Docs and Drive 
    5. Manage a website using Blogger 
    6. Facilitate and moderate a Google Groups email forum 
    7. Write for the web 
    8. Create and publish multimedia for the web 
    9. Manage a Youtube Channel 
    10. Assign and use Creative Commons Attribution copyrights 
    11. Publish and source content, and collaborate on Wikimedia projects 


    Different events (instead of courses) to support learning these skills. Badges are awarded on assessment. Events include:
    1. Open conferences
    2. 7 minute Presentations
    3. Peer Assist
    4. Challenge Lists
    5. Scheduled one to one tutorials
    6. Scheduled one to many workshops
    7. Seminars and workshops open to the public


    These are all skills badges.

    on Aug. 8, 2012, 9:50 p.m.
  • Anonym said:


    • Which skills does your badge represent?
      -My badge will be a community badge that students can earn by exhibiting and explaining the basic tenets of a "AScholar"
      -Well spoken
      -Well groomed
      -Written communication 
    • Which course will offer the badge?
      - The course will be titled "The AWay" During this course, students will learn about the school's mission, vision, and expectations for all scholars at A.

    • What type of badge will it be?
      -For now, the badge will be skill-based since scholars will complete a short assessment based off of the AWay.
    on Aug. 3, 2012, 7:28 a.m.
  • fboss said:

    Here's my thoughts on what I'm looking to build some badges for, based around a conference.

    The Computer Education Society Of Ireland is holding it's annual conference next year and I would like to set up badges for the speakers and attendees of this conference.

    I'm thinking there should be a badge for those who present/speak as well as for those who attend. I think this would be a challenge badge.

    I would also like to see a community based badge that those attending, in person or virtually, could actually award to each other too, during the event.

    With my interest in Professional Development, I would also like to see it move beyond the event itself and for those attending to revisit a community area and post up their learning from the conference too. This would be a skills badge, as those attending would need to focus on what they could take from the conference and how hey could then integrate it into their learning or the learning of eir students.

    on July 26, 2012, 5:44 a.m.
  • Christina Cantrill said:

    Which skills does your badge represent?

    • successfully making a public resource about your work and inquiry for NWP Digital Is

    Which course will offer the badge?

    What type of badge will it be?

    • skill badge
    on July 25, 2012, 9:55 a.m.

    Christina Cantrill said:

    There is also a community badge

    • contribution to the community can simply through sharing a resource
    • it can also happen by giving feedback to resources by others
    • and/or through starting a discussion or sharing your resource
    on July 25, 2012, 9:57 a.m. in reply to Christina Cantrill
  • Jesellers said:


    • Which skills does your badge represent?

    Creating a presentation in Notability.

    • Which course will offer the badge?

    A course for teachers who will receive iPads is year: "First Steps"

    • What type of badge will it be?

    A skill badge.

    on July 24, 2012, 1:12 p.m.
  • HyperboleJoe said:


    Which skills does your badge represent? This badge will represent a user successfully completing a challenge to make a game in the style of Pong.
    Which course will offer the badge? Pong: Retro Learning for the Neon Age
    What type of badge will it be? This will be a skill badge.

    on July 18, 2012, 5:53 p.m.
  • Jermaine Elliott said:


    • Which skills does your badge represent?
      -My badge will be a community badge that students can earn by exhibiting and explaining the basic tenets of a "BDJ Scholar"
      -Well spoken
      -Well groomed
      -Written communication 
    • Which course will offer the badge?
      - The course will be titled "The BDJ Way" During this course, students will learn about the school's mission, vision, and expectations for all scholars at BDJ.

    • What type of badge will it be?
      -For now, the badge will be skill-based since scholars will complete a short assessment based off of the BDJ Way.
    on July 16, 2012, 11:53 a.m.
  • Chris Fishpaw said:


    • Which skills does your badge represent?

    My badge will be a part of a Digitial Citizenship unit designed for the elementary students at my school. The first badge for this purpose would be knowing their rights and responsibilities as students.

    • Which course will offer the badge?

    Digitial Rights and Responsiblities. The students will veiw a video on web safety. They will review the districts digital use policy. They will then take a short quiz.

    • What type of badge will it be?

    The badge will be a skills badge. Because the students will be taking a quiz, they will be assessed online. Badges will be given based on the results.

    on July 16, 2012, 11:32 a.m.
  • Alita Walker said:


    • Which skills does your badge represent? Writing Process/ Writing a friendly letter.
    • Which course will offer the badge? Language Arts
    • What type of badge will it be? Writing skills badge for incorporating all the components of a friendly letter.
    on July 16, 2012, 11:29 a.m.
  • The Corsair said:

    I plan on making a Community Badge for my English II class that can be used all year as a sort of citizenship/leadership in collaboration badge.

    Tentatively the badge will be known as the "Big Chief" badge and will be awarded by classmates.

    on July 16, 2012, 11:28 a.m.
  • jcshaw said:


    We will be creating a community badge that our students can work towards while completing a Unit I: Intro to Literature group project.  This badge will be based on citizenship skills and being a leader in the group.  Tentatively the badge knowledge as the Big Chef badge.  Group members would vote for members for this badge.
    on July 16, 2012, 11:28 a.m.
  • Alita Walker said:

    I'm trying to get use to this Badge process. I think I understand it now!

    on July 16, 2012, 11:24 a.m.
  • Molly Adams said:


    • Which skills does your badge represent? Multiplication- Basic Facts to 12
    • Which course will offer the badge? I will create a course for my grade 3 students called Multiplication Monsters
    • What type of badge will it be? A skill badge
    on July 16, 2012, 11:15 a.m.
  • botheredbybees said:

    whoa, didn't realise I'd be creating a course as well. Still; in for a penny...



    1. Identify main layout sections from design specification

    1.1 Identify required sections of the web page

    1.2 Create web page structure

    2. Lay out web page to match design specification

    2.1 Position document elements

    2.2 Style web page elements to match design specifications

    3. Test and validate layout

    3.1 Test website in various browsers

    3.2 Validate web pages against industry standards

    My course will be: "Design simple web page layouts"

    This will be a "skills" type badge

    on July 16, 2012, 6:51 a.m.
  • Selim said:


    Scientific Method Badge
    • Which skills does your badge represent?
      • Students are able to correctly identify an independent variable and a dependent variable
      • Students are able to properly write a hypothesis to a series of proposed experiments
      • Students are able to graph data related to a science experiment
    • Which course will offer the badge?
      • This would be an introduction to Living Environment badge, a biology course
    • What type of badge will it be?
      • Skills badge - I think every badge I would make would be a skills badge at first, I am not sure if students would initially be able to determine how good their peers have done at this - although I am open to suggestions about how to best handle this.  Ultimately they have to be able to demonstrate their ability to do this on a state exam at the end of the year and since students haven't taken the exam I think I would be the only person able to determine whether they have done a satisfactory job.
    on July 12, 2012, 1:24 a.m.
  • Paul Allison said:


    First let me say that this step feels like an assignment, almost like busy work. I've already created the challenge with three tasks and I just want to mess around with the image for the badge and play with how it get into the Mozilla Backpack or appears on a page on P2PU or can be copied to a profile on Youth Voices. But OKAY... let me see:

    Which skills does your badge represent?

    Student who are new to Youth Voices are encouraged to create a profile about themelves. Returning students might want to revise their profiles from time to time.

    I use this exercise as a sort of entry exam, getting a sense of a student's writing skills, skills at following directions, drawing skills, and commitment to being real about finding an inquiry to explore

    Which course will offer the badge?

    So, it's all about Youth Voices.

    There's a study group

    And it seems to me that the badges will work best within a Challenge. But these challenges seem to be small -- or I would want them to be. Then I'd want them to be easy to collect somewhere... a set of links somewhere -- perhaps on Youth Voices, but also within a course? How can we imagine challenges working with courses or study groups?

    What type of badge will it be?

    I'm pretty sure this is a Community Badge. It's not one that is a skill -- because I want these to be repeat-able over time, more like habits, and it's not an automatic one when all tasks are complete. So yeah, it's a Commuhity Badge. And although it's not done on a weekly basis -- such as giveing good feedback -- A peer could award it when someone upgrades his or her profile. So yes... a Community Badge.

    on July 1, 2012, 11:45 p.m.