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Your Unconference Prototype

Use the unconference checkliste to create your first real or fictitious unconference

No matter if you are planning to run an own unconference or not it is importaned to practice the theoretical knowledge about unconferences you gained with the tasks before.

<short motivational video>

So use the checklist from the last task to create a prototype of a new unconference of your joice (tip: since having a good organizational team is a critical success factor find yourself 2-3 co-organizers for your event). After doing so post your unconference idea or a link to a planning document below.

Soirce: Flickr/wovox/7439992244

Task Discussion

  • Karlheinz Pape said:

    In the past I helped to organize and I moderated 4 “KnowledgeCamps” in Germany. I think, we need another headline for the next Camp. Perhaps “Learning Organisation Camp” or “Live Long Learning Camp” or “Social Learning Camp”? Today I prefer the last titel. This camp is planned for september or october 2013 in Germany.

    on Nov. 16, 2012, 11:35 a.m.