This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Week One, An Introduction to I/O Psychology [Sept. 21, 2011, 1:26 p.m.]

In the first week of this study group we will learn about the history and beginnings of I/O Psychology.  A timeline of the events leading up to I/O Psychology, as well as the events that defined I/O Psychology will be explored. You should try to get a sense for the development of I/O Psychology as well as understand the major contributors and theories. In addition, we will be looking at the basic research methods in psychology as the foundation of all disciplines in psychology.

For easier distribution of work, each week is divided into three "sessions" that help you break down the material into manageable chunks. 

For all of the study group's tasks, we will be using the Saylor Foundation's course, "PSYCH304: An Introdution to Industrial and Organizational Psychology" which you can access by clicking on "Saylor Foundation, Industrial and Organziational Psychology, PSYCH 304" under "External Links."


First Session:

Complete sections 1.3.1 through 1.3.5 on the "Saylor Foundation, Industrial and Organizational Psychology 304" course.


Second Session:

Complete section 1.3.6 reading on the "Saylor Foundation, Industrial and Organizational Psychology 304" course.


Third Session:

Complete section 1.3.6 Practice Assignment on the "Saylor Foundation, Industrial and Organizational Psychology 304" course.