This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

2: Create development environment [April 13, 2011, 10:16 a.m.]


When: May 2 - 8

  1. Work through the Lernanta installation help on GitHub
    • If anything is missing, let's get that updated so note anything you think we should add.
  2. Optional: start the server, load the page locally and create an account and login
    • Note: Look in the terminal window where the server is running when you create the account. It will output the activation url there. Just copy (not ctrl-c since that will stop the server but you can right click and copy) and paste the two lines into a browser window. If you get 404, remove the "=". [screenshot]


If you run into problems, ask on #p2pu-dev channel or the mailing list or post here. 


Then, let us know how it went below (or on your blog and link to that below). Run into any problems? How did you solve it? What worked well with the documentation and what didn't? What suggestions do you have for others starting to develop on Lernanta?