Learn anything, with your peers.

At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

Activity Wall

    posted message: I'm very sorry, but I am unable to organise this group due to heavy formal study commitments for my graduate program and a change in my working situation. I invite other organisers and participants to identify how to proceed with the course and the development of Javascript Basics. If you wish to ask for advice please send me a private message. Once again, I'm sorry that I can't help out as I originally intended. Pippa Buchanan
    posted message: Apologies everyone - the rest of my life has got in the way so I was unable to organise a meeting for the previous week. There's been some amazing discussion in the other Javascript group which is valuable input for this group. http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/javascript-101/content/learningstudy-plans/ Where possible we should reuse as much of that group's content as possible but to provide some more curation and clarity. When I'm aware of my schedule in Australia (spending time with a ill family member) I'll reschedule the meeting.
    posted message: I'd like to organise a meeting so that we can get identify the core goals and direction for this group. I have to be in Australia from May 31st which makes identifying call times very difficult. So if we can find a time for the next week that would be great. Please share your best times for a call by this Doodle. http://www.doodle.com/he9c39apqrtckzy4 We'll use the P2PU conference line for the call.
    posted message: I'd like to organise a meeting so that we can get identify the core goals and direction for this group. I have to be in Australia from May 31st which makes identifying call times very difficult. So if we can find a time for the next week that would be great. Please share your best times for a call by this Doodle. http://www.doodle.com/he9c39apqrtckzy4 We'll use the P2PU conference line for the call.
    posted message: JSLint can help us learn to write clean JavaScript: http://www.jslint.com/
    posted message: Great question @Shane. The primary audience for this working group is B - Designers / Web Developers who know HTML and CSS but who need to learn Javascript to round out their skill sets. It's great that you've identified the other audiences. Perhaps we can use them as a way to help sort out resources and tasks and to then build out study groups for those audiences (eg. Learn to Program (Using Javascript) and Javascript Basics (For experienced programmers).) Creating a Task around "Defining the Group's Audience"
    posted message: I have a question for the purpose of this study group which I think will help to develop its direction - WHO is this course aimed at? Is this aimed at programmers who are already familiar with programming, at designers who know a lot of HTML/CSS plus a little programming but need to learn Javascript for their jobs, or is this aimed at complete novices who know nothing about programming? The material presented for each of these groups is distinct and trying to make one study group that fills the needs of all three is going to lead to a set of materials and tasks that is very incoherent and confusing.
    posted message: @selfstudier - sorry only got to your email after seeing the wall!
    posted message: @Pippa I already sent you a mail yesterday requesting that you cancel my participation in this group.
    posted message: @selfstudier - discuss badges and review the current Javascript Basics badge at this item: http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/javascript-basics/content/study-group-goal/
    posted message: @selfstudier - I've tried to respond to your message about "disconnected and large number of links and tasks" over in the discussion about Defining Tasks and Task Schedule: http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/javascript-basics/content/task-schedule/
    posted message: For anyone here that might be interested the relevant resources appear to be: http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/milestones/105284-release-05 http://p2pu.lighthouseapp.com/projects/71002/milestones/105285-release-06 Retrieved here: https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki/Lernanta%27s-Roadmap
    posted message: @selfstudier: message is off topic for this group. check out our github home for details on software development roadmap. https://github.com/p2pu/lernanta/wiki
    posted message: "We are currently planning to dedicate release 0.6 to work on the implementation in the new site of any functionality necessary to support the migration." (Zuzel.vp post in p2pu community Google Group) Can someone point me to a resource that explains the functionality considered necessary?
    posted message: It is difficult to avoid the impression that we will end up here with a disconnected and large number of links and tasks that participants/followers are supposed to wade through by themselves. I appreciate that in an ideal world, one would like to relate tasks to content to a course of study, unfortunately it doesn't work like that (which is why people write books and hire instructors). There seems to be an assumption that there will be persons willing to take on some sort of role in guiding the participants, perhaps a librarian that knows where everything is filed. I see little evidence for p2p activity in this set up. (Continued in next post due to post word count limit)
    posted message: Test Post Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor) 01 var o = {}; // Creates a new object 02 03 // Example of an object property added with defineProperty with a data property descriptor 04 Object.defineProperty(o, "a", {value : 37, 05 writable : true, 06 enumerable : true, 07 configurable : true}); 08 // 'a' property exists in the o object and its value is 37 09 so you have name/value and writable,enumerable,configurable are attributes. They are attributes of every property, so they control for each property on each object.
    posted message: Where shall we put stuff about badges?
    posted message: OK, I will ask them to create log in here as well. A question, Parag posted on the new site "selfstudier can you post url's which helped you research the activitaion object, lexical scoping etc." My reply " A lot of it is in the "gory detail" link I posted as a reply in Zoho to brotherhutch ie http://jibbering.com/faq/notes/closures/#clIntro I got some parts from other places, I will dig them out and post them later in the same thread as an edit, OK? (I think some of it was links/explanations posted by participants in the forums from your course)." How would we translate this into the tasks/links set up we are trying to use here? I can see how we can do it provided we divorce all the explanation/context from the bare links.
    posted message: @selfstudier, you can add participants by their user ids when you're editing the group settings. If they're new users they may not yet have accounts setup for new.p2pu.org?
    posted message: Ah, OK, so anyone new logs in, they see it different (participate and follow?). BTW, does the edit participants work properly? I added two participants on the old site but I can't seem to add them on the new (not found). Have to add manually or is it because they have to do it themselves?