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Suggest some exercises [May 7, 2012, 2 p.m.]

For those of you with some XSLT experience and even for those of us who just have a reference book and some websites to look through lets start planning some tasks and exercises on this page and then we can break them out into individual tasks. If you have seen a good exercise somewhere linkable, please add a link. If it is from the Tennison book, add the chap/section it is in. If you are ready to create a task out of it, go right ahead and start a new task. Please try and add the XSLT syntax and semantics needed to complete the task if you know.

Beginning exercise/task ideas

  • Hello world -- well I actually included that on "Set up tools".

Intermediate exercise ideas

Adanced exercises, challenges, and projects

  • Use new found XSLT skills to transform this course to a collection on Connexions! Can use as a starting point.