i'm a librarian in digital initiatives/ archiving that dables in web design/ programming
I am really energized by the open source movement. It aligns with my strong belief in mutual aide and participatory involvement. I won't delve deeply into politics, but my anarchist tendencies are fostered and strengthened by these developments in technology. I'm a librarian and I would like to be able to use the best and most approprate tools to share information and foster civic engagement. I see developing computer proficiencies as an important facet of my librarianship.
As I have become more engaged in the use of technologies I see Linux as offering an escape from market forces such as Apple, Microsoft, et al. The Linux OS provides users the opportunity to maintain control of their tools. I would like to know more about web development in light of CMS systems. I'm only vaguely familiar with RoR, but would like to know more.
Computer skills: MySQL, git repositories, html, css, javascript, some java, lots of database searching
I'd like to be able to operate better from the command line in Linux on a desktop machine, be better able to work with a Linux server, know more about git, and get a grounding in the open source tools available.
I'd be interested in helping with the group.
ps. I've also been a mechanic, facillitator, and instructor in a community bike cooperative.