That will be a start, scheduled for 0.7.
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.
Please see the relevant ticket in the Planetary Developers Forum, namely This ticket makes note of an earlier proposal about content sharing between PlanetMath and P2PU. A spin off of that proposal was a more general discussion about generic content sharing, relevant to the furtherance of P2PU's mission.
The Planetary folks presumably won't have time to move on integrating math support into Lernanta until after August, when both Planetary and Lernanta will be more stable. For the moment, this can be a place to talk about what "math support" means to you.
That will be a start, scheduled for 0.7.
Was nice, now has moved to "unscheduled priority list".
Think I should go do something else till we hit 1.0