MathCast works with word processors such as MS Word and Writer, output to picture files, including: BMP, PNG, and EMF.
MathCast supports exporting equations to MathML Presentation 2.0, a leading format for describing mathematics. MathML is based on XML, the web's most extensible language.
MathCast includes a powerful capability called Mathcasting. This feature provides a "WYSIWYG" tool for authoring XHTML web pages with mathematical equations.
MathCast can expose the equation lists as a RESTful HTTP service. Equation lists can be seen by browsers and different instances of MathCast in a network. This allows people to work together, learn, and teach.
"MathCast is open source software; feel free to download the source.
If you want to contribute here is a short list of things that need to be done:
Functions that convert between MS Equation Editor's WMF format to MathML 2.0 Presentation.
MathCast needs a better way to communicate with other applications such as Word, through the clipboard. Right now it uses Enhanced Metafile pictures.
Mozilla help: MathCast embeds Mozilla, and uses it to render MathML, as well to interface with the user. I have a few Mozilla embedding questions, including focusing of the embedded window, and optimizations. If you’re willing to answer a few questions, please contact me."