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What is App Inventor and what can you do with it? [May 15, 2012, 1:57 p.m.]

App Inventor is a system that allows you to develop Android apps very easily by just using your web browser. If you have an Android powered device you can have your apps running on it in no time. If you don't have a device you can also use the emulator provided with the software.

For more information on how the system works please have a look at the description page.

To see what the app inventor can do, and how easy it is to work with it, have a look at this video:

For an introduction on how easy it is to work with App Inventor have a look at the following video:

In the next task we will go through how to set up your computer to get started with the system, but first, to finish this task please leave a comment about your impressions of the App Inventor and what you are going to use it for.