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Wikitext [Oct. 16, 2012, 7:56 p.m.]

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The difference between WYSIWYG, and mark-up. 

Although it would seem that a WYSIWYG is a superior paradigm, there are advantages to writing your own mark-up. Most of these advtanges are that you have greater direct control over a page, and you understand more about what's happeing in a website "under the hood". Although a Wikipedia WYSIWYG editor is coming suppsedly in the next 6 months.

Common Mark-up.

Section, bold, italic, link, list. 

You'll need this later -- Including files.

Files. Templates. (known as transclusion).


Write a sentence or two on your profile about yourself. And then add your languages on your user page as well. Do so by adding templates from this list: