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Volunteers, Staff, Salaries

Note: I am currently using this just to keep some notes on a possible task. This might end up being removed from the Open Governance course.

Possible topics:

  • What are the different roles for staff and volunteers?
  • How can the community be involved in hiring? 
  • What are compensation practices that are fair?

Task Discussion

  • Alina Mierlus   June 23, 2011, 8:44 a.m.


      This is an interesting topic! Maybe should be focused on "Healthy and Sustainable Community" or could enter to a broader topic as "Meritocracy" or "Motivation".

      An example would be to explore things like: medium/long-term funding of peer/community projects, grants, motivation and visibility of your work.

      Or how to transition from a volunteer to a staff position: what this means, how work changes, how this affects the grassroots movement and community dynamics.