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The Presentation [Sept. 26, 2011, 4:15 p.m.]

I'll create a Powerpoint slide show with images and words to convey my ideas for the 30 minute talk by 10/7 and get feedback from the group.

The conference has limited us to 5 slides--it does focus the mind!

I am trying to tell a story about key relationships in learning, and how they change in a DIY model, with different archetypes. Please let me know if anything's not clear. I am struggling with the learner-self relationship. Basically I think in a model learning journey people emerge with a new definition of themselves, but they have to struggle along the way--something like Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. 

Here's my proposed outline: 


Mobility Shift

From DIYU to DIWT (Doing it With Others)…Learning in relationship and community

Why DIY U?


Ok, so the traditional structure is too cumbersome--what's essential? 

1.     Learner<->Teacher

The Guru-The Coach-The Librarian

2.     Learner<->Peer

The Friend-The Near-Peer-The Other

       3.   Learner <->Self

The Struggle-The Redefinition-The Triumph

3.     Learner <->Community

Assessment by Network-Community of Practice