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Jackson Water Stewardship Adventure

  • Jackson Water Stewardship Adventure, Jackson, Michigan - Monica Day, Larry Luce, Kat Kulchinski

  • Our Jackson Water Stewardship Adventure is an effort to move to the forefront of water stewardship in metal manufacturing, fabrication, and machinery manufacturing. If we do it right, not only can we become better stewards of our part of the Great Lakes basin, which protects current and future generations, but we can spur economic development so badly needed. This venture will to reach out to the 5,473 metalworking employees in Jackson County Michigan from 175 establishments and ask them to join us in remaking Jackson Michigan into a green advanced manufacturing hotspot. In this first step we are seeking people who want to help green their practices and who will discuss what that means to them. We plan to video record their stories to share widely through the Sustainability Studio network and other networks.

    Website found related to the water stewardship initiative:

    Public opinion poll results show that people don't know the greatest threats to water quality, the importance of water to the economy, or the impact their actions have on water quality:

    The organization that sponored the above study and that is leading a similar initiative to what I hope our group starts in Jackson:

    Task Discussion