posted message: I would like to invite course followers to become course participants even though we are in our second week. We need interactions and conversations to make this course all that it could be! There are some great resources and ideas to be discussed and I look forward to hearing reactions and other points of view. Jump in!
posted message: I'd like to invite all the course followers to consider becoming participants. The course starts tomorrow and I look forward to working with you!
posted message: If you are having any problems viewing the multimedia presentations in this course, please let me know!
posted message: I'd like to invite all of our followers to sign up as participants. Becoming a participant allows you to post and interact with other learners. The workload is much less onerous than reading the research! There is still space and time! Steve
posted message: Creating this class has already been a learning experience for me. I generally employ multimedia in live presentations in the classroom and screencasts to extend and reinforce learning that occurs in school. I thought it would be a good idea to use multimedia in a course about multimedia. I'm doing this using presentation software and inserting audio clips in each slide, then exporting the presentation as a video. It is more time consuming than I had anticipated, but I hope it helps improve learning and models the ideas that we will be discussing! I look forward to your feedback in an area in which I am stepping out of my comfort zone!