posted message: Check out the participation Matrix for the course that Kavon referenced. It is a subtab on the livebinder at Lots to accomplish in 1 week but possible.
posted message: Rosavioletta is in Europe and needs a couple buddies to work with her on machinma. If you are not in the time zone maybe you have a schedule that allows you flexibility to work in the time zone. she is a good partner to have, definitely comfortable with creating machinima.
posted message: I was late to Friday's tour but it was still such to fly my own ship. Great spot for Machinima if you can get permission... Next week is Machinima, be thinking cowboys and aliens. Improv is good fun and group work is makes it even more fun. Lots of roles in machinima and it is not easy to act, direct, talk, film, add audio and edit (though it has been done and everyone will get a chance to do it all). Perhaps you will find a hidden talent! The scene (old west invaded by aliens) is complete so we don't need to build. There are some props and costumes - dig in your inventory and see what you have in the way of western wear or alien wear.
posted message: Well I ended up having to tour myself - got confused with time zones. pictures are posted on Please post your pictures of Jokaydia - not sure what everyone saw there.