posted message: Dear all, I'd like to transfer the moderation of this group to someone else as I am no longer at Parkside. If you are interested and willing to take this on, please contact me at Thank you for all your work and good conversation on the FDO. Here's a quote for the day from Jeffrey Sellingo who writes for the Chronicle: "The only really necessary people in the education process now are the professor and the student." Something to think about....
posted message: Dear all, I just want to remind you that Dr. Aaron Brower, Interim Provost for UW Extension, and Dr. Rebecca Karoff, UWSA Academic Planner, will be joining our group for a discussion on Monday.
posted message: Dear FDO group, Thank you for a great discussion today regarding Lumina's degree qualifications profile and its applications to the flexible degree option. As a reminder, we will not be meeting on September 4, but we have three meetings scheduled for the following weeks in September.
posted message: Reminder: We are meeting tomorrow with David Schejbal, Dean, UW Extension, and Greg Lampe, Provost, UW Colleges, to discuss the Flexible Degree Option. I have suggested the following agenda: 1. Introductions and context—Terry Brown 2. Updates on the degree development process—David Schejbal 3. The role of the UW Colleges—Greg Lampe 4. Q & A discussion regarding the proposed degree
posted message: Thank you for a very good discussion today about the CAEL report. I am sorry that we did not have more time to continue the discussion of the point raised by Megan about "teaching presence." I am sure we will continue this in future meetings. Thanks for your participation.
posted message: The issue of the student credit hour must be addressed as we discuss the Flexible Degree Option. Here's a review of a book on the student credit hour (yes, a whole book), published in 2003 by two leaders in higher education research, Tom Ehrlich and Jane Wellman.
posted message: Please remember to read the CAEL report on competency-based degree programs in the U.S. under task 6.
posted message: Here's a good debate about open learning and credentialing in the Room for Debate page of the NY Times: Got a Computer? Get a Degree.