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Image from Jen Lowe's Wikiviz winning contribution / CC BY-SA

Raw and Processed Information

"Open data is the idea that certain data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control." -Wikipedia

The Basics of Open Science Data

The yield of scientific research is much greater than that of only research publications; a great deal of data is produced, and it's not always Open. Open Data is a broad area of work with many organizations and governments taking part to make these research outputs openly available. In this module, we'll take a look at how access to raw data as Open Data is imperative to achieve maximum civic benefit from science happening globally. You'll be asked to explore Open Data repositories and take part in Open Science projects, reflected in your blog posts. This stuff is at our fingertips, so let's go get it!

Video Clip

This video by Jesse Dylan explains how Open Data can change the way we do science. Note: video made for Science Commons, formerly a sister organization to Creative Commons, whose mission is now headed up by the Science Program at CC.

Video licensed CC BY-NC

Module Section List

  1. What Makes it Open? Describing Open Data
  2. How Open is It? Assessing Openness of Data
  3. Who's Working on It? Interacting with Communities
  4. What Can I Do? Contributing to an Open Data Project

  • Content in this course licensed CC BY where applicable. enter image description here


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