Thesis II Proposal: The Learning Environment - "We Are, Therefore I Be"

First Update: 1/22/2015 Prior Update: 03/12/2015 Last Update: 08/29/2015


What exactly is a Learning Environment? To answer that one must seek clues from the spectrum of Working Environments that range from our own bodies to computers to institutions and so on. In their own ways, Working Environments speak to us and it's when we learn to speak their language, that we can begin to fathom, their inner secrets, hidden in plain view, right under all our noses, if we would only take the time... to smell the roses.

And with that in mind my friends, ask youself, "Why am I the way I Am?" To understand the answer to that question you must first ask, "Who and What are We?"... for indeed, without the air, water, food, and drink... and without your mom, dad, and friends... and without pleasures and interests... you would not exist. You only exist because there is a we and we are all interconnected.

Also, it should be considered that the "I" in ..."Therefore I Be" doesn't just represent the each of us, as individuals... but should be discussed and approached in a philosophical manner, that is, "I" can be thought of as a creative force, and as such, a small business that creates, lets say, "Life Science Technologies" can therefore be an "I" just as much as "me, myself, and I"; and "thee, thyself, and thou". And it's with that kind of thinking that I came up with my thesis that I'm now presenting to all learners of this exciting topic-of-interest! Below is an illustration by American Philospher Ken Wilbur that you should use to help visualize and keep things in perspective as my findings compliments his work.

Figure 1. Integral Theory -The four quandrants of an Individual

Integral Theory -The four quandrants of an individual

Image Source

Part I. Integral Theory Overview

To start off, I love Ken Wilbur's work. He obviously has a lot of insight as he is able to get into very technical details that spans numerous academic dislipines but because of this it can be a little overwhelming to grasp. In a way, his work loses sight of the forest by being caught up in the trees... so one of the ways I try to compliment his work is by taking a step back, so as to keep the big picture still in mind.

A. Philosophical World-Views:

1. Cause and Effect -Aristotle to Newton (Western View)
2. Acausual Psycho-Physiological -Carl Jung (Universal View)
3. Relational -Alan Watts to Systems Theory (Eastern View)

B. Wholistic Situational Understanding:

1. Sorts of Scenarios ; Made Up Concepts; Pretty Good Perspectives
2. Cycle-of-Change  -On Action Potentials vs Action
3. Trace-Detection ; Pattern-Recognition ; Pointer-Intuitiveness

C. Learning Environments (LE):

1. How to Identify the LE Structure Types
2. Language Barriers and Working Environments (WE)

D. References for Cycle-of-Change [1] [2] [3]

Part II. Case Studies: SOS Which Have Major "Global Impact Potentials"

Below are fourteen SOS (Sorts of Scenarios) that I believe are having or will have a huge impact potential at local, state, federal, or international levels. These are of course a select few of many that I'm currently aware of... if anyone knows of more SOS that they think I should be aware of and should include in my thesis, then by all means start a discussion and/or PM me. My objective is to be as abstract and dynamic as possible so that ANY reader may get a gist of what LE are and how they speak to us in subtle ways and how they shape who we are and what we will become. Also, one should note that the case studies which titles are hyperlinked (B&F) are actual "universal human languages" in popular use today among the "deaf" and "radio operator" communities.

A. On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning To Kill In War And Society -by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman [4]

B. Emergency Response Communications: Learning Morse Code -by ARRL

C. The Internet of Things: Learning to Dialogue with Machines

D. Intentional Communities: Learning to Live with Common Purpose and Intent

E. Process of Individuation: How It Will Play Out In the Social Life of Human Beings

F. Baby Signs: Learning Basic Signs for Communicating with Babies and Toddlers [5]

G. Public Trust Doctrine: Addressing Ancient Roman Law to Protect Earth and Future Generations of People [6] [7]

H. The Humanure Handbook: A Guide to Composting Human Manure -by Joseph C. Jenkins [8] [9]

I. God Is Not Dead: What Quantum Physics tells us about our origins and how we should Live -by Amit Goswami, PhD [10] [11] [12]

J. The Open-Source Everything Manifesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust -by Robert David Steele [13] [14] [15]

K. Human Energy Fields: A New Science and Medicine -by Colin A. Ross, M.D. [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

L. World Orders and their Symbologies: Past, Present, & Future

M. Moments Of Clarity: When Faced Against Stupidity, Perhaps All We Have Is Humour [22]

N. Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human -by Richard Wrangham [23]


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