Thesis VI Proposal: On Human Nature (Good and Evil)

Entry On 1/29/2015 @ 5:55 a.m. CST Last Updated 2/10/2015


To start off, I'm not for nor against Good & Evil. The case stands the same with Religion & Science. My stance also holds true concerning Life & Death, and my position even extends itself regarding the 1 & 99%. Indeed I stand against nothing, however I'm not for everything... If I were to to sum up what I do stand for, then poetry comes to mind, the Author of it wanting to remain Anonymous... ... ...

I stand outside all that is, which leaves me only with Reason, but Reason is a lover, so Love is on her way... now Beloved-Reason delivers Truth, whom shines her Beauty, her power leads to freedom... and with Liberty by my side, she blows Courage through my strides, so that everywhere I go, Justice thunders her show, whom showers Peace and Hope

An interesting thing to consider regarding the poem above is how the Author was able to express herself by using natural phenomena type of analogy that we all can relate to in some form or fashion. This allows for natural dialogue with any serious philosophers out there, whom may at their own discretion and timing, add valueable discussion, perhaps shedding a twist to Our Story... hint hint.

N4P (Note for Philosophers): I could be off-base in my logic, but I shall proceed anyway, on the basis that Reason will eventually hash this all out, no pun intended. So assuming there are indeed peers that can follow along (I surely hope so as I'm as simple as simple gets as I have farmer blood in me), then rehash the poem above while keeping the following premise in the back of your mind:

I stand against nothing, however I'm not for everything

So considering that, my logic is this, that somewhere out there is someone or something that is my nemesis, I can't quite put my finger on it, or much more express it in poetry, but I know It exists and if it could say just one thing, it is this:

I stand against everything, however I'm for nothing

Ending on a positive thought however are my friends in the matter. Perhaps they are in part, keys, necessary for world peace and harmony:

I stand against something, however I'm for something

I am for everything


Part I. Know Thyself: The Battles and Enemy Within

Ross & Halpern (2009) caution us that,

Western society tends to revere Mind (cognition) and the Body (action). Soul (feeling) and Spirit (meaning) tend to be undervalued. Humans are composite of mind, body, soul, and spirit; therefore, all aspects of the psyche need attention for health and well-being.

So heeding to their much advised warning, I've laid out below what I believe are the central dynamics at play within each of us. Take note that I've added a 5th element (Heart) to the discussion. Keep in mind that I'm just a new kid on the block, my expertise limited to me, myself, and I; whereas Ross & Halpern have over 60 + combined years of experience in the healing arts.

Also take note that whereas they associate Soul with feeling, I've taken the liberty to further breakdown and redefine Soul as expression of feeling and associate Heart with more of an impression aspect of feeling; as in my humble opinion, Soul and Heart are two-sides of the same coin.

N4M (Note for Me): Mention the wholistic understanding, that is, of the battles we all play within our bodies, minds, spirits, souls, and hearts regarding both good & evil aspects. Be philosophical in nature as to shed new light or twists on the matter. /N4M

A. Battle within our Bodies (action) -Pleasure versus Pain

  • i. On Friction, Flow, and Stillness
  • ii. On Adaptation and Stasis
  • iii. On Development and Resolve

B. Battle within our Minds (cognition) -Interests versus Concerns

  • i. On Acknowledgement and Acceptance
  • ii. On Expectations, Prioritizing, and Preparation

C. Battle within our Hearts (impression) -Empathy versus Narcissism

N4C (Note for Christians): Meditate upon Ezekiel 36: 26,

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. -NIV /N4C

N4M: Investigate into the the matters of [psycho/socio]-pathology as that subject material may very well belong here. /N4M

D. Battle within our Souls (expression) -Order versus Chaos

N4R (Notes for Readers): Do not confuse this discussion with "Chaotic Actors" as mentioned under Case Study II, Section C, Paragraph ii. /N4R

What I mean by "Soul" and the balance within, that is, the polar opposites ranging from "complete order" through "total chaos", I can only explain from personal experience and observation. I will try to convey what I mean in the following sort-of-scenarios (SOS):

  • Let's take an example of grieving family members over the death of their loved ones. In some cultures, this details stripping of clothes and cutting of skin, literally self-mutilation, and can last for days, if not weeks... this I would consider the soul of that family being in a state-of-chaos, barely functioning, and could lead ultimately to more deaths.
  • On the other hand you have families who more or less celebrate (or perhaps honor is a better word) the death of their loved ones by writing poems, putting together and sharing family picture albums, singing memorable songs, and so on... this I would consider more orderly, as the families are more functional.

In both scenarios, no doubt, there will be much grieving, as both are powerful forms of manifestation... having the ability to invoke strong emotions (feelings) in others.

E. Battle within our Spirits (meaning) -For versus Against

  • i. On Identity, Will, and Animation
  • ii. On Values versus Barriers
  • iii. On Purpose and Ways of Living
  • iv. On Principles and Virtues

Part II. Connecting with our Inner Animals

  • We Are What We Eat: On Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores [2]
  • On Predators, Prey, and Anti-Predators [3]
  • Community Characterization: An Analogy

Part III. Alien Invasions: On Hosts and Parasites

Part IV. On Sin: Why We Miss the Mark

N4R: What are our general weaknesses/vulnerabilities, not as animals... but as humans? /N4R

Part V. Transcendence: On Free-Thinkers, Counter-Culturists, Rebels, and Hactivists

N4L (Note for Learners): Do your own research and your homework assignment is to blog about it, that is, share it with your friends, family, and online. Make it fun and exciting and try to be unbiased in the matter as to discuss "opposing viewpoints". /N4L


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