Thesis VIII Proposal: On False Prophets

Entry On 1/29/2015 Prior Update 3/10/2015 Next to Last Update 08/29/2015 Last Update 09/06/2015


As a reader, you may again be asking what this topic on prophets has to do with language...

My basis is this, that prophets proclaim to have spoken with supernatural beings who want to guide us... and that in itself is pretty significant claim. Are we, the general population just suppose to take them at their words? Should we let their words determine our future? And why are their words put on a higher pedestal than lets say, Sages? So this is my attempt to decipher the language-of-prophets, as I do believe if we are ever going to have an Universal Human Language then we must be able to discern whether or not prophets are speaking truth or falsehood... and the ability to discern whether their intentions are for selfish gain or for the greater common good.

Part I. Why Prophets Are Here to Stay

Talk about the roles of Prophets, Poets, Professors, Playwrights, and Philosophers:

1. Quick History of all Great Women and Men who Inspired Us
2. Talk about the common denominator between each of the roles

Part II. The Path to Prophethood and Beyond (Mawdudi & Chilton)

Talk about the following characteristics of historical prophets:

3. prophet-savior [Noah>Joseph>John/Jesus]
4. warrior-savior [Moses/Joshua>Mohammed]
5. king-savior [Samuel/Saul>David>Solomon]

Part III. Differentiating between the roles of Destiny, Fate, and Choice

Contemplate and Discuss the Following Perspectives:

6. the natural melding forces of thoughts, suggestions, and actions
7. the dangers of self-fullfilling prophecies that lead to Destiny & Fate
8. differentiating between mythical and sensory type of realities (Leshan, 1992)
9. What Choice brings to the Table?

For details on types of struggling-type-of-realities see Leshan's work [1] [2]

Part IV. Discerning between the Spirits of Truth & False-Hopes

Talk about the following rhetoric which helps us discern:

10. Pathos -[give a definition]
11. Ethos -[give a definition]
12. Logos -[give a definition]
13. Mythos -[give a definition]


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