Handy Dandy Online References

Entry On 02/08/2015 Prior Update 03/09/2015 Last Update 04/30/15

Medico-Botanical References:

Aromatherapy -also referred to as Essential Oil therapy, can be defined as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind and spirit. It seeks to unify physiological, psychological and spiritual processes to enhance an individual’s innate healing process. [3] [4]

Erowid -is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization that provides information about psychoactive plants and chemicals as well as activities that can produce altered states of consciousness such as meditation and lucid dreaming. [5]

Physio-Anatomical References:

BioDigital Human -this interactive, medically accurate virtual body enables users to learn about anatomy, health conditions, and treatments in visual format that resembles life itself... empowering our global user base to better understand health and the human body. [2]

Politico-Legal References:

Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. -is the most widely used law dictionary in the United States. It was founded by Henry Campbell Black (1860–1927). It is the reference of choice for definitions in legal briefs and court opinions and has been cited as a secondary legal authority in many U.S. Supreme Court cases. [1]

Roman Law Wiki -Historically, “Roman law”... denotes the legal system applied in most of Western Europe, until the end of the 18th century. In Germany, Roman law practice remained longer, having been the Holy Roman Empire (962–1806); thus the great influence upon the civil law systems in Europe. Moreover, the English and North American "Common law" also were influenced by Roman law, notably in the Latinate legal glossary — stare decisis, culpa in contrahendo, pacta sunt servanda.1 In contrast, Eastern Europe, though influenced by the Byzantine Empire, was not much influenced by the jurisprudence of the Corpus Juris Civilis; however, they did accept the Roman influence of the "Farmer's Law".

Socio-Ecological References:

Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE) -is an electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society. The EoE is a free, expert-reviewed collection of content contributed by scholars, professionals, educators, practitioners and other experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The content is presented in a style intended to be useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public. [6]

Ekopedia -is a free (Creative Commons), collaborative (wiki), and multilingual encyclopedia project dedicated in providing answers and spreading practical knowledge related to environmental sustainability. Our goal is to help everyone become more independent and establish the foundation necessary to build a better world. [7]

Techno-Economical References:

AlternativeTo -We have one mission: helping you find the right software for your computer, mobile phone or tablet. Our main focus is to give you alternatives to software you already know and want to replace.

Futuremark -creates benchmarks that enable people to measure, understand and manage computer hardware performance. Our talented team creates the industry's most authoritative and widely used performance tests for desktop computers, notebooks, tablets, smart phones and browsers.

Surveillance Self-Defense -Modern technology has given the powerful new abilities to eavesdrop and collect data on innocent people. "Surveillance Self-Defense" is EFF's (Electronic Frontier Foundation's) guide to defending yourself and your friends from surveillance by using secure technology and developing careful practices.

Prism-Break -Opt out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore and Tempora. Help make mass surveillance of entire populations uneconomical! We all have a right to privacy, which you can exercise today by encrypting your communications and ending your reliance on proprietary services.


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