Future Thesis Proposals (Discontinued)

Entry On 03/14/2015 Last Update 09/08/2015


The following proposals are indeed quite amuzing topics-of-interest but I'm afraid they are venturing into the esotoric, which in my opinion is best dealt with under the guidance-of-masters... in other words, with great care and caution. So I must now step away... however, what is said is-said, so I will leave this up for educational purposes only, for any inquiring minds that may be out there, who may be of the hunger-and-thirst type.

TP XI. On Kingdoms, Realms, and Hoods

Talk about Kin, Kind, and Kings... also talk about different types of realities that you've experienced... finally talk about fellowship and strong connections among the hoods.

N4R: There are many types of realities: from realistic to idealistic and from naturally occuring to manipulation... Aristotle pointed out over 2000 yrs ago that the management of land is the most natural way to obtain wealth but noted it was limited... trade is second, and unlimited... and then there is usury; the most hated and most un-natural in gaining wealth... however, I would argue that slavery (bondage) is indeed the worst and most un-natural and hated way to obtain wealth. /N4R

N4L: Consider this saying... "Blood makes Relatives, however, Loyalty makes Family" /N4L

TP XII. On Snakes & Foxes

These animals are symbolic of the two main recognized authorities that exist in our societies: the church and the state respectively which have either, laws of the land and/or commandments that we are expected to obey and of course punishment administered if heedance is not paid.

N4M: Perhaps talk about how the Irish Saved Civilization, Roman Rule, Pontius Maximus, St. Augustine & St. Patrick, Babylonian Priests, the Seat of Satan, the seven churches (Rev. 2), the godspel, "Jim Arrabito", the Waldesians, Jesuits, and finally last but not least... Johnny Appleseed. /N4M

N4M: Also include the topics of "Courts & Temples" /N4M


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