Thesis Proposal X. Poetic (in)Justice

Entry on Shakespeare Day, April 23rd 2015 Updated 04/30/2015 Last Update 09/08/2015


This will be the last of my thesis proposals as I have neglected my well-being over the last couple of years being obsessed with the idea of an universal-human-language and really, I see no ending-of-it in sight. So this thesis is dedicated to-that-climax of what I deem, is the final conclusion, so that I may move on with my life.

For those who were waiting to learn about "Learning Environment Structure Types"... you may be pleased to hear that I will soon be adding an addendum dedicated to that theory which integrates the four quadrants of Ken Wilbur's Integral Theory... interesting piece-of-work, to say the least, as I do believe I will have been the first to tie it all together... but you the reader, the learner, and the peer should be the judge of that.

So with no further due, I now present, in written musical-type-form, the climax-of-poetic-justice.

Part I. of Thieves and Knights -A Campfire Song


They call us, Thieves of the Night, Crawlers of the Night... but truth be known, we steal your shit,  in broad daylight... that right, we're Crawlers of the Night, Thieves and Knights


And tho we ride strong, at Noon-High... it's in darkness, we deLight... that's right, we're Thieves and Knights,  Crawlers of the Night


And when midnight Strikes... Swirls of flames, bellows below... Rips through, our damning souls... We're Crawlers of the Night, Thieves and Knights

Part II. Inquiries about our Fuc*ed Up Society

A. How do "civil asset forfeiture" laws impact "Justice" and "Due Process of Law", here in the U.S.? [1] [2]

B. How is it that across our country within our local communities, whom the majority of the men and women working in public service claims faith in "christian doctrine" , whose great teacher and messiah proclaims that the law is summed up in two commandments, to love [3]... act so injustly? so underhanded-ly? and so inhumanely? Exactly, what force is behind it all... is it Greed? Deception? Zeal for Righteousness? It's definitely not the "language-of-love" that is in operation here. It's something quite contrary... how-misfortunate-indeed.

C. And how is it in a country-of-great-wealth that the common-wealth is in such decline? Simply stated, it boils down to "fraud, waste, and abuse", the mentality of "profits over people", and betrayal of the "public trust" . It has been said that how oil fueled 20th century wars... so will water be at-the-heart of 21st century wars... for indeed, freshwater is scarce and wanting [4]. It should be noted that there are now congressional talks of giving away our national forests, another misfortune indeed. [5]

Part III. Turning the Tables -The Language of Love

I would like to point out that the United States of America is in fact a melting-pot-society (but I guess the same could be argued of India as well)... but my point is this, that if we are so divided that we never are able to come to a resolution concerning the operation-of-universal-language, then the least we can do, as a great service to ourselves, is to focus-on-understanding that one concept which has the greatest potential, to its fullest potential... that is,


I envision that this would entail understanding what love means from each of the different cultures, that is... to gain perspective, to grasp the essence-of-love. In my estimation, this-written-work could be undertaken and completed under a ten-year time frame... but then again, from an Islamic perspective, to paraphrase prophet Mohammad,

if all the trees on earth were pens, and the ocean were ink, replenished by seven more oceans, the writings-of-G*d would still not be exhausted


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